Tortilla Flat Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tortilla Flat Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did Pilon throw rocks at train engines as a child?
(a) He was just bored and looking for something to do.
(b) He wanted to improve his pitching skills.
(c) He liked to get people's attention.
(d) The firemen would throw coal which he took to his mother.

2. How many children does Senora Teresina Cortez have?
(a) 4
(b) 8.
(c) 2.
(d) 5.

3. What do the paisanos often use for bartering?
(a) Books.
(b) Furniture.
(c) Wine.
(d) Clocks and watches.

4. What time of day do the paisanos usually get up?
(a) Noon.
(b) Dawn.
(c) Mid morning.
(d) Early afternoon.

5. Who leads the paisanos in a minor crime wave in order to get food for Teresina's children?
(a) Joe.
(b) Pilon.
(c) Jesus Maria.
(d) Tia.

6. Who invites Joe into her home?
(a) Ava Moreno.
(b) Tia Ignacia.
(c) Maria Garcia.
(d) Emma Sanchez.

7. What happens to Bob when he tries to kill himself?
(a) He shoots off his big toe.
(b) He shoots off the end of his nose.
(c) He takes vitamins instead of sleeping pills.
(d) He shoots out a lamp.

8. What does the woman in #104 do to Joe when he falls asleep?
(a) Beats him with a stick.
(b) Tickles him.
(c) Lets him sleep.
(d) Whispers to him.

9. What does Dolores hope will happen when she invites the man in #76 to her home?
(a) It will be a romantic evening.
(b) He will ask her out.
(c) He will cook dinner.
(d) He will fix her sink.

10. What are Joe and the woman in #104 caught doing in public?
(a) Stealing.
(b) Making love.
(c) Smoking pot.
(d) Skinny dipping.

11. What happened to the Corporal's wife?
(a) She was shot trying to escape prison.
(b) She went back to Mexico.
(c) She died in childbirth.
(d) She was stolen by a capitan.

12. Where does Dolores try to attract men?
(a) A street corner.
(b) Her front gate.
(c) A bar.
(d) A cafe.

13. What is Teresina Cortez' aged mother's name?
(a) Dolores.
(b) Angelica.
(c) Annemarie.
(d) Belinda.

14. How much do the paisanos get from Torrelli for the item in #89?
(a) Two dinners.
(b) Five dollars.
(c) A bottle of whiskey.
(d) Two gallons of wine.

15. How can Jesus Maria best be characterized?
(a) Thief.
(b) Humanitarian.
(c) Lothario.
(d) Beggar.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the person in #117 think he sees regarding the statue of St. Francis?

2. What food do the paisanos eventually steal which is better for the children?

3. What do the paisanos steal from Sweets?

4. Who steals the Pirate's bag?

5. What seems to puzzle Teresina Cortez?

(see the answer keys)

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