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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Who does David respect tremendously?
2. What does David encourage Ed to do and what is Ed's response?
3. What are Arnold and Alan more resistant to than eating breakfast?
4. Who discuss a similar subject of that between Ed and Laurel?
5. What has the weekend stirred up?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
In "Fugue in a Nursery, Nursery: A Fugue," the action takes place in a huge bed in which Arnold, Alan, Laurel, and Ed all sit or recline depending on the action. The stage lights focus only on the characters that are speaking at the time, a staging element that eliminates the need for scenery. The characters stay in the bed even though they could be at completely different locations throughout the act. Discuss one of the following topics in a well-developed essay using specific examples both from the text and any research you complete:
1. How effective do you think this type of staging is?
2. If you were a director, how would you direct this type of staging?
3. Do you think this scene is staged this way solely to eliminate the need for scenery? What other reason might the author have for setting the stage this way?
4. Do you think an author should give any, many, or all the stage directions for a play s/he writes? Explain.
Essay Topic 2
In the second "Fugue in a Nursery, Stretto," Ed seduces Alan in the barn despite being in a supposedly monogamous relationship with Laurel. Discuss the following ideas in a well-developed essay using specific examples both from the text and any research you complete:
1. Why do you think Ed is so attracted to Alan?
2. Do you think Ed is actually gay and cannot resist being with men? Explain.
3. Do you think what Ed does is immoral? If yes, for what reasons? If no, why not?
4. Is it possible that Ed is bisexual? If so, how do you think he can resolve wanting to be with both men and women? Is a monogamous relationship possible for a bisexual individual?
Essay Topic 3
In "The International Stud: Scene 5," Ed talks to Arnold after Arnold's performance. Arnold expresses his hurt that Ed was/is unwilling to introduce Arnold to his parents as Ed's lover. Discuss the following ideas in a well-developed essay using specific examples both from the text and any research you complete:
1. Do you think Ed is being fair to Arnold? Why or why not?
2. What do you think you would do if you were Arnold in this scene?
3. Have you ever had a friend or romantic interest that you would be unwilling or hesitant to introduce to your parents? Did you do it anyway? Why or why not?
4. If Arnold were to go to a therapist or "peer counselor" and describe the situation with Ed, what do you think that person would tell Arnold? Would you tell Arnold the same thing?
This section contains 565 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |
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