Torch Song Trilogy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Torch Song Trilogy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Laurel plan to accomplish over the weekend?
(a) To become pregnant by Arnold since Ed is sterile.
(b) To ascertain if there was still a spark between Arnold and Ed.
(c) She had no particular plans.
(d) To learn how to serve a ball in tennis as well as Arnold can.

2. What day of the week is it at the opening of this scene?
(a) Monday.
(b) Friday.
(c) Saturday.
(d) Sunday.

3. What is Mrs. Beckoff's main concern about Arnold adopting David?
(a) That the courts will not approve the adoption and Arnold will be hurt.
(b) That Arnold cannot afford to financially support a child.
(c) That Arnold will want Mrs. Beckoff to treat David like a grandson.
(d) That Arnold's lifestyle as inappropriate for raising a child.

4. About what is Laurel upset?
(a) That she didn't get pregnant that weekend.
(b) Learning that Ed initiated the phone calls to Arnold.
(c) That Ed still hasn't finished his latest novel.
(d) Ed having sex with Alan.

5. What does Mrs. Beckoff believe at first about David when David arrives?
(a) That David is a biracial child.
(b) That David is Arnold's biological son.
(c) That David should go to a home with a mother and father.
(d) That Arnold has taken on an underage lover.

6. What is Ed reading?
(a) An advertisement for men's cologne.
(b) A newspaper article.
(c) A Tale of Two Cities.
(d) Nothing.

7. Why is Arnold angry with Ed?
(a) He does not want to have a sexual relationship with Arnold.
(b) He is not sympathetic about Alan's death.
(c) He left Arnold to face Arnold's mother alone.
(d) He lied to the social worker.

8. Where is Alan?
(a) He is in the bath.
(b) He is cooking breakfast in the kitchen.
(c) He and Arnold split up and he moved out.
(d) He has died.

9. What crisis that was just emerging during the writing of this play did the author seem to have in mind when writing this play?
(a) None.
(b) The invasion of Poland.
(c) AIDS.
(d) The Cuban Missle Crisis.

10. What do Ed and Arnold declare?
(a) That they are leaving for Paris together.
(b) That they have realized they are in love.
(c) That they had sex but didn't enjoy it.
(d) That nothing sexual happened between them.

11. Why does Laurel want Arnold and Alan to rise?
(a) To eat breakfast.
(b) To play a pick-up game of basketball.
(c) To play doubles in tennis against her and Ed.
(d) She does not care if they arise.

12. What has the weekend stirred up?
(a) A feeling of attraction between Ed and Alan.
(b) A love triangle.
(c) Insecurites in each person.
(d) Hidden anger between Ed and Arnold.

13. What is the day when this act opens?
(a) A year later.
(b) Sunday night.
(c) Monday morning.
(d) Two months later.

14. What do Laurel and Ed do despite the presence of Alan and Arnold?
(a) Continue their Sunday morning schedule.
(b) Go off to play tennis.
(c) Have Ed's parents over for brunch.
(d) Make love.

15. Where do Laurel's parents live?
(a) New England.
(b) The California coast.
(c) Europe.
(d) South America.

Short Answer Questions

1. What gets in the way of Laurel's plans for the weekend?

2. What does David hope about Ed and Arnold?

3. What does the author seem to be revealing in this scene?

4. What did Ed used to call Arnold's bedroom?

5. What do Arnold and Alan decide?

(see the answer keys)

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