Topics of Conversation Test | Final Test - Easy

Popkey, Miranda
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Topics of Conversation Test | Final Test - Easy

Popkey, Miranda
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What pseudonym did the unnamed narrator use when she told the other women about her affair with a married professor?
(a) Jake.
(b) Edward.
(c) John.
(d) Jeff.

2. The unnamed narrator continually ate what kind of food throughout the gathering of mothers of infants?
(a) Pizza.
(b) Saltines.
(c) Cookies.
(d) Chips.

3. Dominique told the unnamed narrator that she was how old when she got pregnant with an older man's child?
(a) 23.
(b) 25.
(c) 32.
(d) 19.

4. During the unnamed narrator's adolescence, what is NOT mentioned as an object she and other young women were urged to carry?
(a) A whistle.
(b) A can of pepper spray.
(c) A set of keys.
(d) A knife.

5. The unnamed narrator's role-playing partner first takes on the role of a man in what position?
(a) Doctor.
(b) President.
(c) Hedge fund broker.
(d) Teacher.

6. The unnamed narrator believes that people confide in her because she is "good at keeping" what "quiet" (167)?
(a) Her friends.
(b) Her critical voice.
(c) Her dog.
(d) Her face.

7. The unnamed narrator estimates that her conversation with the lawyer featured in Santa Barbara took place around what time of night?
(a) 11 or 11:30.
(b) 7 or 7:30.
(c) 10 or 10:30.
(d) 8 or 8:30.

8. According to the unnamed narrator, she realized after leaving John that what element is never "dead and buried" (95)?
(a) Resentment.
(b) The past.
(c) Deception.
(d) Unrequited love.

9. In what location does the section entitled San Francisco, 2012 open?
(a) The unnamed narrator's hotel room.
(b) A man's hotel room.
(c) The art museum.
(d) The unnamed narrator's home.

10. When the unnamed narrator began to see her life options dwindling, she often dreamt of living alone and sitting in what location?
(a) At her kitchen table.
(b) On her twin bed.
(c) In her living room.
(d) On her front porch.

11. What food did the unnamed narrator consistently eat during John's health kick?
(a) Funyuns.
(b) Puffed rice.
(c) Fettuccine.
(d) Chicken wings.

12. Which upcoming event produced in the unnamed narrator feelings of satisfaction mixed with fear?
(a) Her next birthday.
(b) Her job interview at William Morris.
(c) The arrival of the new millennium.
(d) The coming birth of her child.

13. In what field did the unnamed narrator work while she was married to John?
(a) Human Resources.
(b) Sales.
(c) Management.
(d) Education.

14. On which page of the section entitled San Francisco, 2012 is it revealed that the unnamed narrator and an unnamed man are role-playing?
(a) The 3rd.
(b) The 13th.
(c) The 2nd.
(d) The 1st.

15. The unnamed narrator complained to her role-playing partner that he sounded like a movie made by which director?
(a) Ford.
(b) Kubrick.
(c) Coppola.
(d) Scorsese.

Short Answer Questions

1. What type of transportation did the unnamed narrator start to obsessively use during her affair with a married professor?

2. On what day of the week does the section entitled Santa Barbara, 2016 take place?

3. What kind of drink did the unnamed narrator order when she sat down at the hotel bar?

4. The man at the hotel told the unnamed narrator that when a woman takes what action, he knows that he must untie her and allow her to leave?

5. The unnamed narrator states in San Francisco, 2012 that, "Knowing someone is" how many "parts divination" (74)?

(see the answer keys)

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