Topdog/Underdog Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Topdog/Underdog Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How much does Lincoln ask for when a person asks for his autograph in Scene 1?
(a) $5.
(b) $20.
(c) $10.
(d) $1.

2. What does Lincoln say about his job in Scene 2?
(a) He hates it.
(b) He tolerates it.
(c) He is indifferent.
(d) He enjoys it.

3. Who does Booth call "some miscellaneous stranger"?
(a) Grace.
(b) Lincoln.
(c) Best Customer.
(d) Cookie.

4. Where is Lincoln when he is asked for his autograph in Scene 1?
(a) In a movie theater.
(b) The street.
(c) A bus.
(d) On a bench.

5. What did the death of the man who is mentioned at the end of Scene 2 cause Lincoln to do?
(a) Become homeless.
(b) Get divorced.
(c) Quit hustling.
(d) Start drinking.

6. What does Booth tell Lincoln their father gave them as a joke?
(a) Their names.
(b) Their inheritance.
(c) Their clothes.
(d) Their house.

7. How does Lincoln respond to Booth's proposal in Scene 1?
(a) Gets angry.
(b) Accepts it.
(c) Says he will think it over.
(d) Rejects it.

8. How was the man whose death is mentioned at the end of Scene 2 killed?
(a) He was shot.
(b) He was drowned.
(c) He died in a fire.
(d) He was stabbed.

9. How does Lincoln describe Booth's gun in Scene 3?
(a) Too much.
(b) Tiny.
(c) Small.
(d) A toy.

10. Where is Lincoln and Booth's room located?
(a) In an apartment complex.
(b) In a basement.
(c) In a mansion.
(d) In a boarding house.

11. How are the items that Booth unloads at the beginning of Scene 2 described?
(a) Old.
(b) Stylish.
(c) Dark.
(d) Smelly.

12. Which of the following is not one of the things mentioned that women can learn from a man's phone number?
(a) They aren't homeless.
(b) The have a good job.
(c) They have money.
(d) They don't have a wife.

13. What was the man whose death is mentioned at the end of Scene 2 doing when he died?
(a) Throwing cards.
(b) Watching a movie.
(c) Watching a play.
(d) Eating.

14. What does Booth say Lincoln is lacking worth in?
(a) His love life.
(b) His home.
(c) His life.
(d) His job.

15. Near the end of Scene 2, what does Lincoln begin thinking out loud about?
(a) Cards.
(b) His job.
(c) His love life.
(d) HIs parents.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Lincoln advise Booth to do in terms of card dealing in Scene 1?

2. What does Lincoln say he would rather do than partake in the venture Booth proposes?

3. Who is the first person to be seen in Scene 1?

4. What does Booth budget money for in Scene 2?

5. How many years has it been since Lincoln worked as a hustler?

(see the answer keys)

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