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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What does it mean to gain success, according to Tom?
(a) Approval from the Doctor.
(b) To win a game of cricket.
(c) To have a large amount of wealth.
(d) To be the best in school.
2. What does Tom discover that makes him so upset?
(a) Martin and Arthur are spreading rumors about him.
(b) Martin has verbally abused Arthur.
(c) Martin and Arthur have been out hunting for birds' eggs without him.
(d) East, Martin, and Arthur are leaving him out of their adventures.
3. What rumor is spreading?
(a) A potentially dangerous fever has started to spread through the school.
(b) That Williams and Tom will fight again.
(c) A rash.
(d) Influenza.
4. How is Arthur, physically, at this point in the story?
(a) He is weaker than when he first arrived.
(b) He is stronger than Tom.
(c) He becomes physically sturdier and more active.
(d) He is the same.
5. Who dies and is buried after a funeral service and sermon conducted by the Doctor?
(a) Tom.
(b) One of the first students to catch the fever.
(c) The Nurse.
(d) Arthur.
Short Answer Questions
1. When does Tom decide he is acting foolish?
2. Who says that as long as it is done properly it is perfectly legal?
3. With whom is Rugby playing an important cricket match?
4. What else does Tom and the teacher debate?
5. What surprises and startles Tom?
Short Essay Questions
1. How does Arthur's body handle the trek to the kestrel's nest?
2. Why is Arthur worried about Tom's safety in the fight?
3. What rumor becomes reality?
4. What does Tom think of Arthur's mother?
5. The narrator asks the reader to pardon Tom for being filled with more thoughts of the Doctor than of God. What is his explanation for Tom's behavior?
6. How does Tom try to keep his promise to Arthur?
7. What does Tom immediately understand about his relationship with Arthur, after speaking with a teacher?
8. What takes place between Young Brooke and the Doctor, after the boys have quickly dispersed?
9. What does Arthur do when he begins to fear for Tom's safety?
10. What does Williams have against Arthur?
This section contains 825 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |