Tom Brown's Schooldays Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tom Brown's Schooldays Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Tom do after he receives the news of the Doctor's death?
(a) He breaks off his holiday and travels hurriedly to Rugby.
(b) He is in denial and ignores the news.
(c) He contacts East, Martin, and Arthur.
(d) He tells his wife the news.

2. Who dies and is buried after a funeral service and sermon conducted by the Doctor?
(a) Tom.
(b) The Nurse.
(c) One of the first students to catch the fever.
(d) Arthur.

3. What else does the School Nurse tell Tom?
(a) He will be mentoring a timid little boy named Arthur.
(b) He will be mentored by a boy named Arthur.
(c) He needs to speak with the Doctor.
(d) He may no longer be friends with East.

4. Why does Tom decide to send Arthur into the game?
(a) Out of respect for Arthur's commitment to the game and for all Arthur has done for him.
(b) Several other players are injured, so Tom had no choice but to put in Arthur.
(c) He has been begging to be put in the game, and Tom has a hard time saying no to Arthur.
(d) He is the best player on the team.

5. What is essentially East's character?
(a) The idea that education is not important.
(b) He is enthusiastic and lovable.
(c) The idea that he cannot stand hypocrisy.
(d) He is lazy and uneducated.

6. How does East tell Tom to avoid the worst of Williams' blows?
(a) To use power and might.
(b) Use speed and agility.
(c) To hit him first.
(d) To run away.

7. Of what does Young Brooke convince the Doctor?
(a) The boys are only playing.
(b) The fight is dangerous and the boys should be punished.
(c) There was no fight.
(d) The fight was not necessarily a bad thing,

8. Who has not gone down to watch the fight?
(a) Arthur.
(b) Young Brooke.
(c) East.
(d) Most of the boys in the school.

9. All change brought about by the passing of time ends in what same result?
(a) Life.
(b) Disaster.
(c) Death.
(d) Being brought to heaven.

10. Arthur's mother had been born into high society. How does she feel about the quiet rural life she shared with her husband?
(a) She misses the balls.
(b) She is happy.
(c) She is unhappy.
(d) She would like to live in the city.

11. Why do the boys, including Tom and Williams, quickly disperse?
(a) The fight has ended.
(b) The School Nurse has arrived.
(c) So as not to get caught by the Doctor.
(d) The police have been called.

12. What is Arthur's fondest wish?
(a) To become a doctor.
(b) To graduate.
(c) To have his father back.
(d) To have his mother and Tom in the same room.

13. According to the narrator, how must a young man fight?
(a) With integrity and moral courage.
(b) Carefully and cautiously.
(c) Out spite and hatred.
(d) With his voice, not his fists.

14. Who comes out to see what is going on?
(a) Arthur.
(b) The Doctor.
(c) The Squire.
(d) The School Nurse.

15. Who is the captain of the team?
(a) Martin.
(b) Tom.
(c) Young Brooke.
(d) Arthur.

Short Answer Questions

1. When does Arthur experience a spiritual vision?

2. What does East do for Tom during the fight?

3. Where has Martin gone?

4. What does Tom discover about the Doctor?

5. Why do the four boys climb a tree?

(see the answer keys)

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