Tom Brown's Schooldays Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tom Brown's Schooldays Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Tom get into a fight?
(a) Williams threatens to beat Arthur.
(b) Williams steals something from him.
(c) Williams threatens him.
(d) He taunts Williams.

2. For what does the narrator ask the reader to pardon Tom?
(a) Ignoring his studies after leaving Rugby School.
(b) Being filled with more thoughts of the Doctor than God.
(c) Not getting to the Chapel sooner.
(d) Not being more kind to the Doctor.

3. What happens to Arthur?
(a) He catches influenza.
(b) He catches the fever and is quarantined.
(c) He leaves school.
(d) He saves Tom.

4. Tom and East return to Rugby, after a holiday, full of what?
(a) Regret and despair.
(b) Fear and anxiety.
(c) Excitement and plans for the new term.
(d) Anxiousness and stress.

5. What do the boys wonder about the move?
(a) Where Tom learned the move.
(b) Whether or not it is safe.
(c) Whether or not it is legal.
(d) How to do it.

6. Where does Tom travel after he leaves Rugby School?
(a) London.
(b) New York.
(c) Stockholm.
(d) To his parents' home.

7. What else does the School Nurse tell Tom?
(a) He will be mentoring a timid little boy named Arthur.
(b) He will be mentored by a boy named Arthur.
(c) He needs to speak with the Doctor.
(d) He may no longer be friends with East.

8. How does Tom quickly gain the upper hand?
(a) He sees the sense of East's suggestions.
(b) He ignores East's advice.
(c) He uses speed and agility.
(d) He ducks Williams' blows.

9. Where is Tom when he receives news of the Doctor's death?
(a) In America.
(b) He is on a fishing trip in Scotland.
(c) On a boat in the South Seas.
(d) In his home town.

10. Of whom does Tom want to catch a glimpse?
(a) Arthur's beautiful mother.
(b) East's sister.
(c) The farmer's daughter.
(d) The girls at the convent school.

11. What does Tom's final cricket match represent?
(a) Kindness and compassion.
(b) Sadness and happiness.
(c) Both an ending and a beginning.
(d) Both love and hate.

12. What rumor is spreading?
(a) Influenza.
(b) That Williams and Tom will fight again.
(c) A potentially dangerous fever has started to spread through the school.
(d) A rash.

13. What else does Tom and the teacher debate?
(a) Whether the changes in the running of the school made by the Doctor are positive or negative.
(b) Which pub has the best beer.
(c) Who should be the prime minister.
(d) Whether Rugby or the London team will win.

14. What move gets questioned by the boys watching?
(a) The wrestling throw Tom learned in Chapter 3.
(b) A wrestling pin.
(c) An upper cut to the jaw.
(d) A choke hold.

15. Who has not gone down to watch the fight?
(a) East.
(b) Young Brooke.
(c) Most of the boys in the school.
(d) Arthur.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the narrator suggest all boys reading the book should learn?

2. Why does East tell Tom to wear Williams out?

3. According to East, what do the teachers want from students, regarding learning?

4. How does East tell Tom to avoid the worst of Williams' blows?

5. What does Tom debate with one of the teachers?

(see the answer keys)

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