To the Lighthouse Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

To the Lighthouse Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does James feel about the trip to the Lighthouse?
(a) He is glad his father decided to go.
(b) He is having a good time.
(c) He wishes his mother was there.
(d) His father forces him to go and he resents it.

2. Why do Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay get into so many arguments?
(a) Mrs. Ramsay is always insulting Mr. Ramsay.
(b) They argue over the children.
(c) Mrs. Ramsay is impulsive and Mr. Ramsay is moody.
(d) Mr. Ramsay is negative, contradicting Mrs. Ramsay all the time.

3. Why does Mr. Ramsay get angry and bang out of the room?
(a) Lily is being annoying.
(b) The weather is looking ominous
(c) James and Cam are arguing.
(d) James and Cam are not ready for the trip, and Nancy forgot the sandwiches.

4. What does Mr. Macalister tell Mr. Ramsay about James' sailing abilities?
(a) He says that James is afraid to steer the boat.
(b) He says that James is doing a good job steering the boat.
(c) He says that James needs a lot more practice before he can steer the boat.
(d) He says that he doesn't think James will ever become adept at steering the boat

5. What question does Mr. Ramsay ask Cam to make her smile?
(a) What is she going to name her puppy?
(b) When is she going to the beach?
(c) Where is she going to ride her new scooter?
(d) What is she going to be when she grows up?

6. Who does Mrs. McNab get to help her clean up the Ramsay's house?
(a) Mr. Carmichael
(b) William Bankes
(c) Mrs. Bast and her son, George
(d) Lily Briscoe

7. Why does Lily think life is aimless, chaotic, and unreal?
(a) Because Mr. Ramsay was fired from his job
(b) Because her painting are not be accepted by the art community
(c) Because she is thinking of the deaths of Mrs. Ramsay, Prue and Andrew
(d) Because James hates her

8. What adventure does Cam invent to escape Mr. Ramsay's and James' attitudes?
(a) She imagines she is in a sinking ship.
(b) She imagines she is on a deserted island.
(c) She imagines she is with her mother again.
(d) She imagines she is flying with a seagull.

9. What does the Macalister boy use for fishing bait while they are on the boat?
(a) He cuts a square out of the side of a fish.
(b) He caught flies the day before.
(c) He uses stale bread.
(d) He uses worms he found in the garden.

10. How does Cam feel about her father during the boat trip?
(a) She is angry with him.
(b) She is afraid of him.
(c) She is suddenly proud of him, thinking he is brave and daring.
(d) She is indifferent to him.

11. What finally gives James relief from his negative thoughts about his father?
(a) The wind picks up, allowing them to set sail again.
(b) He thinks about his mother.
(c) Cam smiles at him.
(d) He imagines himself back at the summerhouse.

12. What does Lily think offended people about Mrs. Ramsay?
(a) Her superior demeanor
(b) Her callousness and selfishness
(c) Her beauty and her giving in to her husbands whims
(d) Her constant refusal to help her husband

13. What is happening to the summerhouse while the Ramsay's are away?
(a) It is being painted by neighbors
(b) It is becoming shabbier with each passing day.
(c) Another family is living in it.
(d) It is being renovated.

14. What are the weather conditions for the sail across the bay to the Lighthouse?
(a) It is cloudy and windy
(b) It is a fine day with an occasional breeze.
(c) It is misting and a little rough.
(d) It is a sweltering, hot day.

15. What is Lily feeling as she sits drinking coffee on her first morning back at the Ramsay's?
(a) Nothing
(b) Foreboding
(c) Excitement
(d) Sadness

Short Answer Questions

1. While the summerhouse is deserted, what is the weather like?

2. What is it that could happen to the house between night and dawn?

3. How does Lily describe Mr. Ramsay as she looks out at the bay?

4. Who does Lily see sitting in the chair, knitting a stocking?

5. What is Lily's description of middle aged people?

(see the answer keys)

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