To the Lighthouse Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

To the Lighthouse Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Lily's description of the Rayleys?
(a) They are adventurous and full of life.
(b) They are well off with no cares in the world.
(c) They are happily married and full of energy
(d) Minta is garish, flamboyant, and careless. Paul is tired and pale.

2. How does James feel about the trip to the Lighthouse?
(a) He wishes his mother was there.
(b) He is glad his father decided to go.
(c) He is having a good time.
(d) His father forces him to go and he resents it.

3. Who are the first guests to arrive at the Ramsay's house?
(a) Mr. Tansley and Prue
(b) Lily Briscoe and Mr. Carmichael
(c) Minta and Paul
(d) Andrew and James

4. How is Cam attracted to her father?
(a) She thinks he is brilliant.
(b) She thinks he is funny.
(c) She thinks he is a hero.
(d) She thinks he has beautiful hands, feet, voice, and words.

5. What does Mr. Ramsay expect from Lily when he sighs, full of grief?
(a) A walk along the beach
(b) Sympathy
(c) A smile
(d) Conversation

6. What is Lily's attitude toward Mr. Ramsay?
(a) She finds him difficult and unable to praise him.
(b) She thinks he is brilliant and friendly.
(c) She detests him.
(d) She thinks he is handsome and debonair.

7. After Mrs. McNab locks the door to the house, how does the author describe it?
(a) Like a relic of another age
(b) Like an abandoned shack in the highlands
(c) Like a prehistoric, dark cave
(d) Like an empty shell on a sandhill to fill with dry salt grains

8. Who does Lily see sitting in the chair, knitting a stocking?
(a) Minta
(b) Mrs. Ramsay
(c) Mrs. McNab
(d) Nancy

9. How does Mr. Ramsay look at Lily?
(a) With contempt
(b) With disgust
(c) With longing
(d) As if seeing her for the first time

10. How does Cam feel about her father during the boat trip?
(a) She is angry with him.
(b) She is indifferent to him.
(c) She is suddenly proud of him, thinking he is brave and daring.
(d) She is afraid of him.

11. What do the Ramsay's want Mrs. McNab to do?
(a) Not to take care of the house anymore
(b) Get the summerhouse ready for their arrival.
(c) Get the summerhouse ready to be put up for sale.
(d) Get the summerhouse ready for the new owners.

12. What helps Mr. Ramsay get his mind off his sorrow?
(a) Talking about his boots
(b) Looking at Lily's painting
(c) Walking on the beach
(d) Playing cricket

13. Why does William Bankes detest the hole in Minta's stocking?
(a) He remembers the time he was too poor to buy new socks.
(b) He believes it is a symbol of disorder, the loss of womanhood, and all the things he abhors.
(c) He feels Minta doesn't have the common sense to mend her stocking.
(d) He finds feet offensive.

14. How does Lily describe Mr. Ramsay as she looks out at the bay?
(a) As a distinguished philosopher
(b) Aging gracefully
(c) Looking younger than he is
(d) As a very old man

15. Why is Lily crying in anguish as she paints her picture?
(a) Lily is upset at Mr. Ramsay.
(b) Lily suddenly misses Mrs. Ramsay unbearably.
(c) Lily cannot seem to create the painting she wants.
(d) Lily realizes she will never know the meaning of life.

Short Answer Questions

1. What consoles Lily from her anguish over Mrs. Ramsay's death?

2. What is the atmosphere around the house as Mrs. McNab's work at the summerhouse is finished?

3. Who does Mrs. McNab get to help her clean up the Ramsay's house?

4. What becomes of Mrs. Ramsay?

5. What adventure does Cam invent to escape Mr. Ramsay's and James' attitudes?

(see the answer keys)

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