To the Lighthouse Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

To the Lighthouse Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Lily want to do as the children come out of the house to go sailing to the Lighthouse?
(a) Run away from Mr. Ramsay
(b) Give sympathy to Mr. Ramsay
(c) Cry with Mr. Ramsay
(d) Go with the family

2. How is Cam attracted to her father?
(a) She thinks he has beautiful hands, feet, voice, and words.
(b) She thinks he is a hero.
(c) She thinks he is funny.
(d) She thinks he is brilliant.

3. How does Prue's pregnancy progress?
(a) Prue stays in bed but delivery goes well.
(b) Prue is healthy and happy for the nine months.
(c) Prue has morning sickness for nine months.
(d) Prue dies from complications.

4. Lily had gone to a Hall to hear Mr. Tansley speak. What was the topic of his speech
(a) He was giving a speech about human suffering through the ages.
(b) He was denouncing something, condemning someone, and talking about brotherly love
(c) He was talking about the meaning of life and revelations.
(d) He was talking about the role of religion in today's world.

5. How does Lily begin her painting?
(a) With small dabs
(b) With angular lines
(c) With slow, thought out lines
(d) With quick, strong strokes

6. What is the condition of the house now that ten years have passed?
(a) Vagrants live in the house.
(b) Mrs. McNab kept the house spotless.
(c) The wood floor is in good condition and the walls are solid
(d) The books are moldy, plaster is falling, and the pipes are clogged.

7. What does James remember as they all sit in the hot sun on the boat?
(a) He remembers cutting pictures out of a catalogue.
(b) He remembers his father telling him that it would rain and he wouldn't be able to go to the lighthouse.
(c) He remembers his father taking his mother away from him.
(d) He remembers the arguments his parents used to have.

8. Why can't Lily paint after she sets up her easel?
(a) Mr. Ramsay is standing with her.
(b) James and Cam keep interrupting.
(c) Mr. Bankes is coming up the lawn.
(d) She has to make sandwiches for the trip.

9. What is happening to the summerhouse while the Ramsay's are away?
(a) It is being renovated.
(b) It is becoming shabbier with each passing day.
(c) It is being painted by neighbors
(d) Another family is living in it.

10. What messages breathed from sea to shore at the ramsay's house?
(a) Messages of sorrow
(b) Messages of excitement
(c) Messages of peace
(d) Messages of foreboding

11. How does Mr. Ramsay look at Lily?
(a) With longing
(b) With disgust
(c) As if seeing her for the first time
(d) With contempt

12. What is Mr. Ramsay's opinion of how women think?
(a) He believes women are vague, unable to dwell on any one thought.
(b) He believes women are deep thinkers.
(c) He believes women are more intelligent than men.
(d) He believes women are more focused than men.

13. How does Lily see the blank canvas before her?
(a) She sees it as a friend.
(b) She sees it as an impossible task.
(c) She sees the canvas as if it were rebuking her with a cold stare.
(d) She sees it as a blank slate to paint her emotions.

14. What does Mrs. McNab imagine as she takes a break from cleaning to have some tea?
(a) She imagines Mrs. Ramsay in the garden.
(b) She imagines the children playing cricket.
(c) She imagines Mr. Ramsay talking to himself on the lawn.
(d) She imagines herself the owner of the house.

15. What is the message in the letter that Mrs. McNab receives from the Ramsay children?
(a) They are selling the house.
(b) They are sending buyers to the house.
(c) They are renovating the house.
(d) They are all coming back to the house for the summer.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does James feel about the trip to the Lighthouse?

2. What does Lily think will happen if she shouts loud enough?

3. What do the Ramsay's want Mrs. McNab to do?

4. What does Lily discover about the meaning of life?

5. What is the atmosphere around the house as Mrs. McNab's work at the summerhouse is finished?

(see the answer keys)

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