To the Lighthouse Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

To the Lighthouse Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Lily tell William Bankes about Mr. Ramsay?
(a) Mr. Ramsay frightens her because of his mood swings.
(b) Mr. Ramsay likes to swim in the dark.
(c) Mr. Ramsay is afraid of the dark.
(d) Mr. Ramsay cries at night while in bed.

2. Where are James and his mother planning to take a trip?
(a) To visit relatives
(b) Into town to buy yarn
(c) To the Lighthouse
(d) To the beach

3. Why can't the sleep once dinner is over?
(a) They are still excited over dinner.
(b) Mr. Ramsay hung a stuffed animal with large horns on the bedroom wall.
(c) They are over tired.
(d) They took a nap in the afternoon.

4. Why is Mr. Tansley insulted when Lily asks him to take her to the Lighthouse?
(a) She knows he gets seasick.
(b) She knows he is afraid of the water.
(c) He knows that she asked Andrew first.
(d) He knows she doesn't really want to go with him.

5. What is Mr. Ramsay's reaction as he sees his wife sitting in sadness?
(a) He ignores her.
(b) He feels she is overreacting.
(c) He is hurt by his wife's distance, feeling that he can't speak to her.
(d) He thinks she is looking for attention.

6. Why is Nancy brooding?
(a) She is upset that Andrew left her alone.
(b) She reduced her body, her life, and all the people in the world into nothingness.
(c) She is angry with her mother.
(d) She is angry that Paul is with Minta.

7. Why is Lily thankful that Mr. Ramsay is reciting poetry?
(a) She is trying to learn poetry herself.
(b) She thinks it makes him look distinguished.
(c) He will not bother to look at her painting.
(d) She enjoys the sound of it.

8. What does Mrs. Ramsay think she could have managed better in her 50 years?
(a) Her children
(b) Her husband, money, her husband's books
(c) Her ledger book
(d) Her inheritance

9. What does Mrs. Ramsay do when she sees her husband looking at her?
(a) She frowns at him.
(b) She ignores him.
(c) She insults him.
(d) She calls to him.

10. As Mrs. Ramsay sits at the head of the dinner table, what is she contemplating?
(a) She wonders why dinner is late.
(b) She wonders what she has accomplished, feeling her life is over.
(c) She wonders what will become of her children.
(d) She thinks about leaving her husband.

11. What helps Mr. Ramsay forget about the annoyances at dinner?
(a) Reading Sir Walter Scott
(b) Talking to Mrs. Ramsay
(c) Reciting poetry
(d) Playing cricket

12. How does Mrs. Ramsay clean her mind from all the odds of the day after dinner is over?
(a) She sings to the children
(b) She reads
(c) She watches Lily paint
(d) She works in her garden

13. Why doesn't Lily want to see the paintings of the great artists?
(a) Because she thinks they are overrated
(b) Because she prefers modern art
(c) Because she will be discontented with her own art
(d) Because she doesn't understand them

14. Why is Mrs. Ramsay annoyed with Mr. Ramsay when he calls the island a "poor little place"?
(a) Because he is insulting their vacation spot
(b) Because it is a lovely night and he is complaining
(c) Because he is so moody
(d) Because he is ruining their stroll

15. What does Lily see in Mr. Bankes' face as he watches Mrs. Ramsay?
(a) Rapture
(b) Disgust
(c) Desire
(d) Ridicule

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Lily's opinion of Mr. Ramsay?

2. What does Lily see the Ramsay's as a symbol of?

3. Where does Mrs. Ramsay wish she could go with Paul and Minta?

4. Why does Mrs. Ramsay think it is a good idea for her husband to spend time at the summerhouse?

5. What is the only thing Mr. Tansley has to count on?

(see the answer keys)

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