To the Lighthouse Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

To the Lighthouse Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through The Window Chapter 17.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Mr. Ramsay doing on the terrace as Mrs. Ramsay sits inside looking at catalogues?
(a) He is planting flowers for Mrs. Ramsay.
(b) He is marching up and down reciting poetry.
(c) He is repairing loose stones on the terrace.
(d) He is reading his book.

2. Why does Mrs. Ramsay think it is a good idea for her husband to spend time at the summerhouse?
(a) To finish writing his new book
(b) To get away from his lectures and academia
(c) To swim and sail with the children
(d) To get some fresh air and sunshine

3. What does Mr. Ramsay tell James as Mrs. Ramsay is measuring his foot for the stockings?
(a) They can go to the beach instead of the Lighthouse.
(b) There is no chance that they will be able to go to the Lighthouse.
(c) There is a chance that the weather will be clear for the trip to the Lighthouse.
(d) They will take a tip to town.

4. What is the children's opinion of Mr. Tansley?
(a) He is athletic and bold.
(b) He is a miserable, sarcastic brute.
(c) He would be a good catch for any woman.
(d) He is bright, handsome, and friendly.

5. Why is Mrs. Ramsay so worried about the way her son, Jasper, passes the time?
(a) Because he teases his sisters
(b) Because he shoots birds
(c) Because he hides in his room
(d) Because he likes to dance

Short Answer Questions

1. What makes Mr. Ramsay a happy man?

2. Is Charles Tansley excited about the conversation the women are having

3. Why does William Bankes see Mrs. Ramsay as child-like?

4. What does Mr. Ramsay say he will do if Mr. Tansley marries Prue?

5. What kind of lives do Prue, Nancy, and Rose want to live?

(see the answer key)

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