Tokyo Ueno Station Test | Final Test - Easy

Yu Miri
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tokyo Ueno Station Test | Final Test - Easy

Yu Miri
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did Kazu begin having trouble sleeping after his wife died?
(a) He thought of how his wife and son both died in sleep.
(b) He had nightmares throughout the night.
(c) The cicadas were too loud.
(d) He worried Mari might die.

2. What does the homeless man Kazu hears telling another his life story say happened after he lost his job?
(a) His wife filed for divorce.
(b) His father died.
(c) His wife died.
(d) His house burned down.

3. What did Kazu give to the cabaret hostess the last night he saw her?
(a) A box of chocolates.
(b) White roses.
(c) Perfume.
(d) Money.

4. What does Kazu see at Ueno Park less than 30 minutes after the homeless were supposed to have left the park?
(a) An outdoor art exhibit.
(b) The Imperial family posing for photos.
(c) Police riot vans.
(d) A pop-up cafe.

5. What did Kazu decide to do at the age of 60?
(a) Open a cabaret.
(b) Leave his wife.
(c) Stop working away from home.
(d) Go to school.

6. What was the first sign something is unusual the morning Kazu woke up after the 49th day mourning ceremony?
(a) It was still dark when he woke.
(b) He did not smell Setsuko's miso cooking.
(c) The house was empty.
(d) He did not hear Setsuko talking on the phone.

7. Kazu hears the sigh of a sobbing homeless man who is doing what, which Kazu says is unusual for a homeless person?
(a) Pleading with a stranger to help him.
(b) Complaining he cannot get work.
(c) Crying that he is hungry.
(d) Telling his life story.

8. What did Shige tell Kazu is significant about the day he invited Kazu to his hut?
(a) It was his birthday.
(b) It was his wedding anniversary.
(c) His daughter was getting married that day.
(d) It was his son's 32nd birthday.

9. How is the bench that Kazu sees an old man on so still he seems he could be dead described?
(a) Cold and uninviting.
(b) Sarcophagus-like.
(c) Dream-like.
(d) Bright and comfortable.

10. Which of Kazu's family members was the first to die not long after he returned home?
(a) His granddaughter.
(b) His mother.
(c) His daughter.
(d) His father.

11. What does Kazu wonder about regarding Shige after Kazu's death?
(a) Kazu wonders if the things Shige told him were all lies.
(b) Kazu wonders what Shige did for a living before he was homeless.
(c) Kazu wonders if Shige was saddened by his death.
(d) Kazu wonders if he should have let Shige tell him his life story.

12. What do the two businessmen Kazu observes walking toward the Shimizu Kannon Temple discuss on their walk?
(a) Their jobs.
(b) Work.
(c) The temple.
(d) Food.

13. Kazu observes two women at the Ueno Art Museum barely looking at the pictures and instead discussing what?
(a) One woman's pregnancy.
(b) One woman's upcoming wedding.
(c) One woman's trouble finding a good job.
(d) One woman's situation with her soon-to-be ex-husband.

14. What does Kazu say the cabaret hostesses' perfume smelled like when they danced?
(a) Baby powder.
(b) Lavender.
(c) His wife's perfume.
(d) White rose.

15. Where was the hostel Kazu met at the cabaret club from?
(a) Fukushima.
(b) Tokyo.
(c) Osaka.
(d) Shinsekai.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Shige ask Kazu to do with him the next day when they were in Shige's hut?

2. Kazu listens to two women speak of how there are fewer of which type of bird in the area?

3. What did Kazu think was going to happen to him after he died?

4. What does Kazu say is the best way for homeless people to make money because you get your cash immediately?

5. After seeing a man emerge from his hut near Tenri Bridge, Kazu recalls several days five years after he became homeless when he searched for somewhere in the park to do what?

(see the answer keys)

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