Tokyo Ueno Station Fun Activities

Yu Miri
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tokyo Ueno Station Fun Activities

Yu Miri
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Tokyo Ueno Station Lesson Plans

Draw a Picture

Draw a picture of Ueno Park.

Write a Poem

Write a poem about Kazu’s experience with death and beyond.

Movie Cast

Create a movie cast for a film of Tokyo Ueno Station. Select famous actors/actresses to play each character. Write a short explanation of why you chose each actor.


Make a list of 5-7 songs you would use in a soundtrack for a movie based on Tokyo Ueno Station. Include an explanation of what scene each song would accompany and why.

Crossword Puzzle

Create a crossword puzzle for the novel Tokyo Ueno Station. Include a minimum of 10 symbols and character names from the book.

Book Review

Write a one-page book review for the novel Tokyo Ueno Station.

Write a Journal Entry

Imagine Kazu kept a journal. Write 3 journal entries for Kazu. Write an entry for 3 significant scenes in the story.

Paint a Picture

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