Tokyo Ever After Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Emiko Jean
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 234 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Tokyo Ever After Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Emiko Jean
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 234 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Izzy doing when Yoshi texts her in Chapter 11?
(a) Having a glove fitting.
(b) Talking to her mother on the phone.
(c) Practicing her Japanese.
(d) Trying to get Akio to talk to her.

2. What hobby does Izzy say she is going to suggest to Mr. Fuchigami that she take up?
(a) Drag racing.
(b) Falconry.
(c) Wrestling.
(d) Archery.

3. When Akio gets a number of text messages in the car in Chapter 14, whom does Izzy suspect is texting him?
(a) His father.
(b) Her father.
(c) His boss.
(d) His girlfriend.

4. What is an "NDA," like the one Izzy had to sign?
(a) A document that changes a person's citizenship.
(b) A document agreeing to give up a financial settlement.
(c) A document that acknowledges someone's paternity.
(d) A document that prohibits sharing confidential information.

5. What does the Crown Prince say on page 168 after Izzy explains her cousins' role in what happened at the wedding?
(a) "It doesn't matter how it happened."
(b) "Learn to ignore the tricks of your inferiors."
(c) "You need to use better common sense."
(d) "Your cousins are just jealous of your standing."

Short Answer Questions

1. How long has Izzy been in Japan at the beginning of Chapter 9?

2. When Izzy and her father walk in the garden in Chapter 7, what aspect of royal life does she realize she might struggle to adjust to?

3. When Izzy thinks about Mount Shasta in order to calm her nerves before leaving for the wedding, what does she remember?

4. Whose marriage is written about in the newspaper article that begins the book?

5. Who attends the sericulture session with Izzy?

Short Essay Questions

1. What clues are there in the narrative that show the people in the izakaya know exactly who Izzy is?

2. What are Izzy's first impressions of Tokyo?

3. Why does Izzy say that her neighbor's favorite t-shirt is a "lie" (6)?

4. How does Akio demonstrate his sense of humor in his conversation with Izzy in Chapter 9?

5. What are some of the drawbacks Izzy points out about her dog, Tamagotchi?

6. 'Why does Izzy decide to accept Yoshi's offer at the end of Chapter 11?

7. How do Izzy's second cousins both deliberately and accidentally make her feel more comfortable at the family dinner in Chapter 8?

8. When Izzy meets her father in Chapter 7, what comment about his fear does her father make, and what story does she share, in return?

9. In Chapter 18, what does Izzy learn her father will be doing for the next 16 days, and what does she assume that will mean?

10. Why does Izzy say that she has a father but not a dad?

(see the answer keys)

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