Tokyo Ever After Test | Final Test - Easy

Emiko Jean
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 234 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Tokyo Ever After Test | Final Test - Easy

Emiko Jean
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 234 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Noora comes to see Izzy, what does she repeatedly tease her about?
(a) Jones's crush on Hanako.
(b) Izzy's new life as a vampire.
(c) The bad smells in Izzy's room.
(d) The tabloid stories.

2. What is the Crown Prince surprised by at the Black Bear Diner?
(a) The patrons.
(b) The biscuits.
(c) The tea.
(d) The waitstaff.

3. In one of the poems she write to Akio, what does Izzy compare her two halves to?
(a) Pancakes and dorayaki.
(b) Apple pie and mochi.
(c) Beer and sake.
(d) Coffee and tea.

4. What is Izzy wearing when she runs into Akio late at night in Chapter 22?
(a) A Mount Shasta Gay Men's Chorus t-shirt.
(b) A lacy nightgown.
(c) Akio's sweat jacket.
(d) A silk kimono.

5. What does the Crown Prince ask the imperial guards to wear to Izzy's graduation?
(a) T-shirts in the school colors.
(b) Mount Shasta High School t-shirts.
(c) Tie-dye t-shirts.
(d) T-shirts with Izzy's face on them.

6. In Chapter 29, how long does Izzy wait for Akio before giving up?
(a) More than an hour.
(b) Several hours.
(c) Half an hour.
(d) Fifteen minutes.

7. During the train ride to Kyoto, what does Mr. Fuchigami say traditional Japanese people do out of respect for the gods?
(a) Make sure not to obstruct running water.
(b) Face their houses toward the east.
(c) Leave one in every four fields fallow.
(d) Live below a certain altitude.

8. What does the Crown Prince pay special attention to in Izzy's room?
(a) How messy the room is.
(b) How small the room is.
(c) Her books.
(d) Her photos.

9. In Chapter 33, what does Izzy think her father might be lying about?
(a) His feelings for her mother.
(b) His desire to see her graduation.
(c) The availability of a hotel.
(d) The need to rearrange his schedule.

10. Why does Mariko tell Izzy that Izzy cannot go to Akio's parents' house?
(a) Akio has asked that she leave him alone.
(b) Her father will never forgive her.
(c) Mr. Fuchigami will not let her leave the palace.
(d) It is surrounded by reporters.

11. What gift does the Crown Prince give Izzy when she returns to Tokyo?
(a) A plane ticket to California so that she can attend graduation.
(b) Her official royal portrait.
(c) A string of pearls sent by the empress.
(d) Genealogical research on her mother's family.

12. When Izzy asks her mother, "Why would I go to Japan?" (296), what does her mother reply?
(a) "It's where you belong."
(b) "For love."
(c) "To show yourself you can."
(d) "Your father needs you."

13. What is the twins' response to Izzy's attempts to help their mother?
(a) Gratitude.
(b) Relief.
(c) Confusion.
(d) Anger.

14. When Izzy runs into the twins' ladies-in-waiting during the luncheon, what is Izzy on her way to do?
(a) Find Mariko.
(b) Use the restroom.
(c) Get some fresh air.
(d) Meet Akio.

15. How will Izzy get to the airport to fly home?
(a) Yoshi will drive her.
(b) She will get a cab on the highway.
(c) Yoshi will call her an Uber.
(d) Mariko will call her a car.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the "live animal" that Yoshi warns an attendant is inside one of his duffel bags (199)?

2. What does Izzy think the lanterns look like when the people release them into the sky at the end of Chapter 21?

3. What happens when Izzy tries to call Akio?

4. During her conversation with her father after the graduation party, what does Izzy reveal she is always trying to eat more of?

5. What bothers the emperor about Izzy?

(see the answer keys)

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