Tokyo Ever After Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Emiko Jean
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 234 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Tokyo Ever After Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Emiko Jean
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 234 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Izzy compare herself to as she leaves the wedding?
(a) Cinderella leaving the ball.
(b) A deer fleeing a forest fire.
(c) A runaway train.
(d) A defeated army in retreat.

2. What startling information does Noora reveal about Makoto?
(a) He is the Emperor of Japan.
(b) He is the The Emperor Emeritus of Japan.
(c) He is the Prince Regent of Japan.
(d) He is the Crown Prince of Japan.

3. What is the topic of the book in which Noora finds the note to Hanako?
(a) Japanese poetry.
(b) Organic foods.
(c) Preserving flowers.
(d) Rare orchids.

4. How did Akio find Izzy at the karaoke bar?
(a) The bartender called the palace.
(b) He called Yoshi.
(c) Sachiko told him where her brother was.
(d) He put a tracker in her phone.

5. At the wedding, what does Yoshi complain that their uncle Tadashi will not stop talking to him about?
(a) Stamp collecting.
(b) Chickens.
(c) The stock market.
(d) Bolivia.

6. Who is Reina?
(a) The prime minister's sister.
(b) Yoshi's imperial guard.
(c) The prime minister's new wife.
(d) One of Noriko and Akiko's friends.

7. Where does Izzy decide to go on her day off in Chapter 14?
(a) An art gallery.
(b) The Asia-Pacific Festival.
(c) A baseball game.
(d) The Imperial Dog Kennels.

8. When they arrive at the palace in Chapter 17, what does Izzy tell Akio about his decision to end any romantic connection between them?
(a) He should have waited until the next day to tell her.
(b) It is her fault for misreading his signals.
(c) She would never consider a relationship with him, anyway.
(d) He was cruel to lead her on.

9. How does Izzy's description of the moment she first sees her father reveal her sense of humor?
(a) She frames it as a multiple-choice question.
(b) She describes herself like a character in a television drama.
(c) She describes it like a police interview.
(d) She uses ridiculously exaggerated diction.

10. At the airport, what item given to her by Ambassador Saito does Hanako remind Izzy about?
(a) An imperial seal.
(b) A necklace.
(c) A guide book to Tokyo.
(d) A binder.

11. How did Yoshi get Izzy's phone number?
(a) He went through his sister's phone to find it.
(b) He just asked someone for it.
(c) He Googled her.
(d) He hacked into Mr. Fuchigami's computer.

12. When Akio gets a number of text messages in the car in Chapter 14, whom does Izzy suspect is texting him?
(a) His boss.
(b) Her father.
(c) His father.
(d) His girlfriend.

13. What term does Hanako not like Izzy to use when referring to her father?
(a) Sperm donor.
(b) Baby daddy.
(c) Bio dad.
(d) Deadbeat dad.

14. During their text conversation when Izzy is on her way back to the palace, why does Izzy not tell Yoshi about being rescued from the alley?
(a) She is embarrassed about the situation.
(b) She is angry at Yoshi for not finding her.
(c) She is suspicious about Yoshi's motives.
(d) She is still scared and does not want to think about it.

15. What does the man who accosts Izzy in the alley want?
(a) Money.
(b) Directions.
(c) A kiss.
(d) An autograph.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the exclusive school that Akiko and Noriko attend?

2. What is Izzy doing when Yoshi texts her in Chapter 11?

3. How long has Izzy been in Japan at the beginning of Chapter 9?

4. Who is the passenger in the Rolls Royce following the one that Izzy rides in?

5. What does Akio tell Izzy commoners were once expected to do when princes and princesses rode past?

(see the answer keys)

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