Tokyo Ever After Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Emiko Jean
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 234 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Tokyo Ever After Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Emiko Jean
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 234 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 6: Chapters 31-37.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What term does Hanako not like Izzy to use when referring to her father?
(a) Baby daddy.
(b) Bio dad.
(c) Sperm donor.
(d) Deadbeat dad.

2. Whose marriage is written about in the newspaper article that begins the book?
(a) The Japanese Prime Minister's.
(b) A Japanese prince's.
(c) The Japanese emperor's.
(d) A Japanese princess's.

3. What is the English translation of Akio's childhood nickname?
(a) Monkey.
(b) Piglet.
(c) Apple.
(d) Pumpkin.

4. When Izzy and her father walk in the garden in Chapter 7, what aspect of royal life does she realize she might struggle to adjust to?
(a) The precise schedules.
(b) The elaborate etiquette.
(c) Never being alone.
(d) Having to dress so formally.

5. In one of the poems she write to Akio, what does Izzy compare her two halves to?
(a) Beer and sake.
(b) Apple pie and mochi.
(c) Coffee and tea.
(d) Pancakes and dorayaki.

Short Answer Questions

1. At the airport, what item given to her by Ambassador Saito does Hanako remind Izzy about?

2. What does Izzy think the lanterns look like when the people release them into the sky at the end of Chapter 21?

3. What hobby does Izzy say she is going to suggest to Mr. Fuchigami that she take up?

4. What makes Izzy burst into tears when the flight attendant explains her meal choices?

5. What does Izzy notice about her duffel bag when she is packing?

(see the answer key)

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