Tokyo Ever After Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Emiko Jean
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 234 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Tokyo Ever After Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Emiko Jean
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 234 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 5: Chapters 25-30.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whom does Izzy suspect of spying on her and Akio and arranging the Tokyo Tattler article about them?
(a) Sachiko.
(b) Yoshi.
(c) Mr. Fuchigami.
(d) Noriko and Akiko.

2. On page 268, what advice does Glory give Izzy about Akio on the car ride home from the airport?
(a) Akio is "just another boy" like Forest, and Izzy will get over him.
(b) If he cannot forgive her, he is "not worth having."
(c) He might just need "some time to come around."
(d) Izzy should trust him to "know [her] heart like he knows his own."

3. What does Izzy say is a best friend's "sacred duty" (3)?
(a) To "love the good and the bad things about you."
(b) To "know how to bring you back from the brink of crazy."
(c) To "point out when you are being a jerk."
(d) To "convince you to do the things you should not do."

4. Where does the nickname that Izzy has given her cousins Noriko and Akiko come from?
(a) Downton Abbey.
(b) A song by rapper Warren G.
(c) One of the Real Housewives television shows.
(d) A book and movie by Stephen King.

5. What form of poetry does Izzy use in the note that she writes to Akio in Chapter 28?
(a) Waka.
(b) Haiku.
(c) Renga.
(d) Sedoka.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mr. Fuchigami give Izzy when she gets into the car at the airport?

2. What does Izzy ask Akio to do in the note she writes him in Chapter 28?

3. What example does Akio give of the conflict between gimu and ninjō?

4. What is the state religion of Japan?

5. What does Izzy say feels like being "sent to the principal's office" (167)?

(see the answer key)

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