Tobacco Road Multiple Choice Test Questions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tobacco Road Multiple Choice Test Questions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Chapters 1-3

1. What is Lov's last name?
(a) Wright.
(b) Jones.
(c) Stone.
(d) Bensey.

2. What is Jeeter's last name?
(a) Evans.
(b) Lester.
(c) Turner.
(d) Richards.

3. How is Lov related to Jeeter?
(a) He is Jeeter's son-in-law.
(b) He is Jeeter's son.
(c) He is Jeeter's uncle.
(d) He is Jeeter's brother.

4. Where is Lov employed?
(a) The gas station.
(b) The lumber yard.
(c) The grocery store.
(d) The railroad.

5. What is Jeeter's job?
(a) Bartender.
(b) Sharecropper.
(c) Blacksmith.
(d) Mechanic.

6. Why is Jeeter no longer working?
(a) The land's owner sees no profit in it.
(b) Nobody uses horses anymore.
(c) People are fixing their own cars.
(d) He was laid off.

7. As the novel begins, Lov is walking home from what town?
(a) Greensboro.
(b) Hunter.
(c) Maysville.
(d) Fuller.

8. What is Lov carrying on his way home?
(a) Basket of peaches.
(b) Bag of turnips.
(c) Bag of feed.
(d) Shovel.

9. Which family does Lov see on the way home?
(a) Johnson.
(b) Miller.
(c) Hunter.
(d) Lester.

10. What does Lov think when he sees the family?
(a) They should be hoeing their garden.
(b) They sure know how to have fun.
(c) They will try to steal his turnips.
(d) They are real loudmouths.

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