To the Storm: The Odyssey of a Revolutionary Chinese Woman Test | Final Test - Medium

Yue Daiyun
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

To the Storm: The Odyssey of a Revolutionary Chinese Woman Test | Final Test - Medium

Yue Daiyun
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What materials did Yue Daiyun have to construct housing in Liyuzhou?
(a) Wood and clay.
(b) Bamboo and thatch.
(c) Clay and straw.
(d) Bricks and mortar.

2. Why was Tang Dan disillusioned with her work in Dedu county?
(a) Money had been embezzled.
(b) Mismanagement had caused poor crop yields.
(c) Her efforts had been unappreciated.
(d) Peasants had been mistreated.

3. Why did Lao Tang's photograph with Liang Xiao members become a problem?
(a) He was photographed in a bad light.
(b) He was associated with a group held responsible for the disaster.
(c) He was harsh and unfriendly looking.
(d) He was smiling at a time of great disaster.

4. Why did Yue Dainyun always dislike Confucianism?
(a) Confucius was a rightist.
(b) Confucius taught individualism.
(c) Confucius advocated capitalism.
(d) Confucius advocated the subjugation of women.

5. What decision made in 1966 does Yue Daiyun come to deeply regret?
(a) She became pregnant.
(b) She had an abortion.
(c) She had a second child.
(d) She decided never to have another child.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was meant by saying that Nie Yuanzi could "touch heaven"?

2. How did the Jinggang Mountain group defend their besieged building while restoring electrical power?

3. Why did Yue Daiyun and Lao Tang look forward to peasant life continuing?

4. What was Yue Daiyun's diet during her first months in Liyuzhou?

5. What was Yue Daiyun required to do for six months of the year in 1975?

Short Essay Questions

1. What difficulties did Tang Dan encounter during her time with the military?

2. Why was Lao Tang uneasy about national recognition of his work with Liang Xiao?

3. How did the disputes between factions at the university resemble civil war?

4. How did nine-year-old Tang Shuan help the Jinggang Mountain group?

5. How did those being interrogated about disparaging remarks against Jiang Qing manage to keep from implicating their family and friends?

6. What did the student Red Guards at Beida dispute about Nie Yuanzi's policies?

7. What was Liang Xiao? What was its purpose?

8. What were the most emphatic new directives from Chairman Mao as the conflicts escalated?

9. Why had Lao Tang not left Liang Xiao?

10. What was unusual about the arrival of the first students at the cadre school being established in Liyuzhou?

(see the answer keys)

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