To the Storm: The Odyssey of a Revolutionary Chinese Woman Test | Final Test - Medium

Yue Daiyun
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

To the Storm: The Odyssey of a Revolutionary Chinese Woman Test | Final Test - Medium

Yue Daiyun
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What were the "three separations" believed to plague university education?
(a) Separation of the university from worldwide educational networks.
(b) Separation of the university from China's cultural heritage throughout three centuries.
(c) Separation of the university from practice, politics, and manual labor.
(d) Separation of the university from business, diplomacy, and international relations.

2. Who were the "5+ Obedient Sheep?"
(a) Students who followed the work team's recommendations.
(b) Overly obedient students.
(c) Students with poor grades.
(d) Rebellious students.

3. What was Yue Daiyun's diet during her first months in Liyuzhou?
(a) Meat, rice, and vegetables.
(b) Vegetables and fresh fish.
(c) Rice and soybean oil soup.
(d) Rice and vegetables.

4. What task was Nie Yuanzi given in Liyuqhou?
(a) Tying sheaves to make thatch.
(b) Carrying buckets of urine.
(c) Making bricks from clay.
(d) Cutting bamboo into poles.

5. How were workers and peasants to be portrayed in all acceptable literary work?
(a) As "humble, wise, and meek."
(b) As "heroic and noble."
(c) As "upwardly mobile."
(d) As "tall, valued, and perfect."

Short Answer Questions

1. Who was Ma Mingzhen?

2. What honorific assignment did Lao Tang receive in 1973?

3. What problem added to the difficulties of the second year at the cadre school?

4. What is the "red and expert way"?

5. For what were Yue Daiyun and Lao Tang condemned?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did those being interrogated about disparaging remarks against Jiang Qing manage to keep from implicating their family and friends?

2. Why was Yue Daiyun stunned and unhappy at the new student orientation at the cadre school?

3. Why were the department leaders angry with Yue Daiyun when they offered her the opportunity to assist with educational reforms on campus?

4. What was unusual about the arrival of the first students at the cadre school being established in Liyuzhou?

5. Why was the building of permanent housing the most pressing task when Yue Daiyun's group arrived at Liyuzhou?

6. Why did Yue Daiyun feel optimistic upon her return to Beida in spite of the dismal condition of the campus?

7. How was Tang Dan allowed as a child to help the Jinggang Mountain group?

8. Which children were admitted into New Beida?

9. Why was the educational level of college age youth lower in 1970?

10. Why were Chairman Mao's instructions to unite and return to classes ineffective?

(see the answer keys)

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