To the Storm: The Odyssey of a Revolutionary Chinese Woman Test | Final Test - Easy

Yue Daiyun
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

To the Storm: The Odyssey of a Revolutionary Chinese Woman Test | Final Test - Easy

Yue Daiyun
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Durig the summer of 1968, how many students were killed by New Beida students?
(a) Five.
(b) One.
(c) Three.
(d) Two.

2. What pseudonym had Lao Tang and Lao Li, his friend, used to publish articles about Chinese philosophy?
(a) "Four Marxist Essayists."
(b) "Confused in Beida."
(c) "Two Concerned Citizens."
(d) "Three True Believers."

3. What were the "three separations" believed to plague university education?
(a) Separation of the university from worldwide educational networks.
(b) Separation of the university from China's cultural heritage throughout three centuries.
(c) Separation of the university from business, diplomacy, and international relations.
(d) Separation of the university from practice, politics, and manual labor.

4. What did Lao Tang's mother send to augment his diet?
(a) Fruits and milk.
(b) Sugar and vegetables.
(c) Dried beef and sugar.
(d) Vegetables and fruits.

5. How did Yue Daiyun accidentally injure Lao Tang?
(a) She dropped him while carrying him.
(b) She and the children injured his back while carrying him.
(c) She hit him with a lamp, not knowing he was there.
(d) She tripped him, and he fell.

6. Why did Lao Tang's photograph with Liang Xiao members become a problem?
(a) He was harsh and unfriendly looking.
(b) He was photographed in a bad light.
(c) He was smiling at a time of great disaster.
(d) He was associated with a group held responsible for the disaster.

7. Who was Ma Mingzhen?
(a) A party leader at Beida.
(b) Lin Biao's mistress.
(c) A chemical worker who had been arrested and shot for speaking critically of Lin Biao.
(d) Lin Liguo's wife.

8. In August, 1973, with whom did Chairman Mao link the defection of Lin Biao?
(a) Lenin.
(b) Confucius.
(c) Stalin.
(d) Marx.

9. Why were friendship bonds more likely at the cadre school than at Beida?
(a) No one knew another's salary.
(b) Competition for positions was secret.
(c) Everyone was on equal footing.
(d) There was more time in the relaxed atmosphere.

10. What were the "two erroneous viewpoints" that students were taught to beware of?
(a) Knowledge is a possession; education is political.
(b) Knowledge is a public possession; education is central to politics.
(c) Knowledge is not a possession; education is apolitical.
(d) Knowledge is a private possession; education can disregard politics.

11. What did the famous "32 Cadres and Teachers" poster assert?
(a) That Nie Yuanzi was correct.
(b) That Jinggang Mountain was in error.
(c) That teachers and students must unite.
(d) That Jinggang Mountain was correct.

12. What was Yue Daiyun's first work assignment in Liyuzhou after their housing was constructed?
(a) Making bricks.
(b) Cooking for the group.
(c) Working as a laundress.
(d) Planting rice.

13. How did the Jinggang Mountain group defend their besieged building while restoring electrical power?
(a) Shining flashlights in the attackers' faces.
(b) Spraying the New Beida guards with water.
(c) Sprinkling the street with round beans.
(d) Firing rocks with slingshots at their attackers.

14. What was "night fighting?"
(a) Using the latrines at night when ill.
(b) Working after dark at jobs that required less light.
(c) Struggle groups debating political issues.
(d) Group criticism.

15. How often was Lao Tang allowed to go home while under suspicion?
(a) Once a week.
(b) Tuesday and Thursday evenings.
(c) Every weekend.
(d) Once every two weeks.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did the Jinggang Mountain Corps want?

2. What was the fate of the peasant university students who had not been given an education?

3. What did the "Reveal Things Thoroughly to the Bottom" Detachment intend to do?

4. What did Yue Daiyun believe the generation she was teaching had that hers lacked?

5. What choice was Yue Daiyun given in 1969?

(see the answer keys)

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