To the Storm: The Odyssey of a Revolutionary Chinese Woman Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Yue Daiyun
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

To the Storm: The Odyssey of a Revolutionary Chinese Woman Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Yue Daiyun
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What first shook Yue Daiyun's faith in the Communist party?
(a) Facing criticism as a rightist.
(b) Criticism of Lao Tang's friendship with her.
(c) Realizing that the famine in 1959 was manmade.
(d) Being forced to criticize others.

2. Why did Old Uncle say that he shared food with Yue Daiyun rather than eating it himself?
(a) She needed her strength to work.
(b) He had plenty of food stored away.
(c) He didn't have much of an appetite.
(d) She was new to hunger, but he was used to it.

3. What was Yue Daiyun's job during the famine in Zhaitang?
(a) Collecting apricot pits for oil.
(b) Pitting walnuts.
(c) Grinding corncobs to make flour.
(d) Caring for pigs.

4. How many people was Yue Daiyun required to identify as rightists?
(a) Ten.
(b) Twelve.
(c) Five.
(d) Two.

5. How many people in Beida had been declared rightists in 1958?
(a) One hundred students and 500 faculty members.
(b) Seven hundred students.
(c) Three hundred faculty members.
(d) Five hundred students and 100 faculty members.

6. Under what conditions were Yue Daiyun's parents allowed to buy property?
(a) It must represent the owner's only holding.
(b) It must represent 80% of the owner's wealth.
(c) It must be purchased from the Communist party.
(d) It could not be rented or resold.

7. What term was given to those whose parents were landlords?
(a) "Secret capitalist."
(b) "Counter-revolutionary."
(c) "Alien class element."
(d) "Stinking rich."

8. Why was Yue Daiyun's long-awaited home visit depressing?
(a) She became ill and spent the time recuperating.
(b) Her baby didn't remember her, and she was a stranger on campus.
(c) She had to face charges and criticism at home.
(d) Her students were openly hostile to her.

9. Why was returning to Beijing in 1966 disheartening for Yue Daiyun?
(a) She was surprised at the lack of student enthusiasm.
(b) She was disappointed at the low production.
(c) She was disillusioned with the system.
(d) She was discouraged about her own progress.

10. Why were the peasants reluctant to accept the land that they were given during land reform?
(a) They were afraid that exploitation would begin again.
(b) They were afraid of receiving the same retribution as their former landlords.
(c) They were afraid other peasants would be jealous.
(d) They were afraid of the responsibility of ownership.

11. How did Chairman Mao refer to Nie Yuanzi?
(a) As the first Red Banner.
(b) As an enemy of the people.
(c) As the voice of the future.
(d) As a remnant of the capitalist road.

12. What new family responsibility did Yue Daiyun assume at her mother-in-law's request?
(a) Housecleaning.
(b) Child care.
(c) Family finances.
(d) Cooking.

13. What did the commune at Zhaitang produce for income?
(a) Vegetables and wheat.
(b) Chickens and millet.
(c) Apricot seeds and walnuts.
(d) Millet and rice.

14. How did Yue Daiyun learn to carry water?
(a) On her head.
(b) On a shoulder pole.
(c) In a wheelbarrow.
(d) In handheld buckets.

15. What physical difficulty was brought on for Yue Daiyun and others by the famine in Zhaitang?
(a) Vomiting.
(b) Constipation.
(c) Diarrhea.
(d) Fainting.

Short Answer Questions

1. What effect did the struggle sessions have on Lao Chen, the literature department head?

2. What happened for the first time during the June 18th affair?

3. Why did Yue Daiyun refuse expensive wedding gifts?

4. What work assignment did Yue Daiyun receive upon returning to Beida after her two-year absence?

5. What percentage of workers charged as rightists were work units expected to unveil in 1958?

(see the answer keys)

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