To the Scaffold: The Life of Marie Antoinette Test | Final Test - Easy

Carolly Erickson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

To the Scaffold: The Life of Marie Antoinette Test | Final Test - Easy

Carolly Erickson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why was war the last thing France needed?
(a) They wanted to implement anti-war reforms.
(b) They did not have the money.
(c) They were going through a civil war.
(d) They did not have enough soldiers.

2. What did the Parisians do to Antoinette's servants in this section?
(a) Kill them.
(b) Banish them.
(c) Arrest them.
(d) Toture them.

3. What did the first mob that invaded the Tuileries in this section do to the king and queen?
(a) Throw stones.
(b) Hurl insults.
(c) Cut them with knives.
(d) Tear off their clothes.

4. Who were the new local governments modeling themselves after?
(a) The Prussian government.
(b) The Paris government.
(c) The London government.
(d) The Austrian government.

5. Which other country in Europe had a constitutional monarchy?
(a) Austria.
(b) England.
(c) Russia.
(d) Holland.

6. Why do members of the royal family and noblemen want to escape France?
(a) They fear the French citizens will kill them.
(b) They fear they will lose their positions.
(c) They fear they will be forced into a life of depravity.
(d) They fear they will be imprisoned.

7. Who are waiting at a town to help the royal family?
(a) A group of slaves.
(b) A group of noblemen.
(c) A group of servants.
(d) A group of soldiers.

8. Who petitioned the Assembly to depose of King Louis?
(a) The military.
(b) The National Guard.
(c) The Jacobins.
(d) The People's Party.

9. What was King Louis referred to as once he had been stripped of his title?
(a) Louis Krebs.
(b) Louie Windsor.
(c) Jean Paul Louis.
(d) Louis Capet.

10. What did the episode with Calome, leading to his resignation, say about the King's position within society?
(a) He was ridiculed.
(b) He was utterly hated.
(c) He was the verge of being assassinated.
(d) He was virtually powerless.

11. What did the mob do with the captured soldiers?
(a) Whipped them.
(b) Killed them.
(c) Tortured them.
(d) Imprisoned them.

12. Who is it said were more eager to go to war with France than Austria in 1792?
(a) Prussia.
(b) Holland.
(c) Russia.
(d) Britain.

13. What were the Jacobins named after?
(a) A monastery.
(b) A church.
(c) A town.
(d) A Greek army.

14. What do the Parisians mob in this section?
(a) Tuileries.
(b) Versailles.
(c) Bastille.
(d) The Paris Parliament.

15. Why do Antoinette and her family only initially travel with two escorts?
(a) So as not to raise suspicion.
(b) They don't have the money to hire anymore.
(c) They are the only two escorts available.
(d) They are the only two escorts they trust.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the man who emerged as the leader of the most popular faction of the National Assembly?

2. What attracts Antoinette to Axel?

3. Who opened the assembly with a speech?

4. Who were the royal children placed with?

5. What were the royal family leaving to celebrate when the mob attacked their carriage?

(see the answer keys)

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