To the End of the Land Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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To the End of the Land Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Of what does Sami assure Ora?
(a) That Sami will take Ora all the way to Tel Aviv.
(b) That Sami is no longer angry with Ora.
(c) That Rami is an Israeli citizen.
(d) That there is no problem with Rami concerning the check point.

2. What does Sami have to do before picking up Ora?
(a) Make a stop north of the city.
(b) Contact his brother.
(c) Go to the bank.
(d) Attend his son's soccer game.

3. Why does he yell at her?
(a) For calling him by her husband's name.
(b) To be quiet.
(c) For taking his picture.
(d) To bring him something to drink.

4. Why does Avram refuse to go out with a nurse at the hospital who asks him?
(a) He is married.
(b) He is still in love with Ora.
(c) He loves another nurse.
(d) He is impotent.

5. What does Sami ask Ora not to tell Ilan?
(a) That he accidentally hit Ora.
(b) That Ora paid Sami a bonus.
(c) That Ora was in a cab with an illegal alien.
(d) That Ora is with Sami.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Ora demand of Sami before they reach the checkpoint?

2. Why does Avram say he cannot do?

3. What does Sami admit about Rami?

4. To whom does Adam not speak?

5. What does Ora say about hers and Ilan's relationship?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Sami say when he returns to the phone?

2. Why does he go to sleep in her room and what do they discuss when he wakes again?

3. What does Sami admit about the young boy and where do they take him?

4. What makes Avram think he wants to marry Ora?

5. Where do Ora and Ofer go when they get to the meeting point?

6. How does Sami react to driving Ora and Ofer and how does that make Ora feel?

7. How does Sami react when Ora drags Avram to the car?

8. What happens when Ora is watching the news at 9 that night?

9. Where are Ora and Avram as the sun rises and how did they get there?

10. What makes Ora realize she has to make amends with Sami?

(see the answer keys)

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