To the End of the Land Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

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To the End of the Land Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 2: The Walk, 2000, pages 48-90.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does he enjoy making her do?
(a) Scream.
(b) Laugh.
(c) Dream.
(d) Cry.

2. What does she beg him to do?
(a) Leave her.
(b) Move to France.
(c) Come back to her.
(d) Go to the hospital.

3. Who is Sami?
(a) An Israeli soldier.
(b) The cab driver.
(c) A professor at a university in Haifa.
(d) The doctor.

4. What does Ora fear as she is cooking the evening after leaving Ofer?
(a) Ilan will know who Ofer is.
(b) She will be informed of Ofer's death.
(c) She will always be alone.
(d) Avram will not come to her.

5. What does Avram ask Ora when he calls?
(a) If Ilan knows Avram calls Ora sometimes.
(b) If Ofer's service is over.
(c) If Ora will go with him to Gilboa to meet with Ofer.
(d) If Ora is safe.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Ada?

2. How old is she in the flashback in the Prologue?

3. Where does Ofer have to be taken?

4. What color is everything in her dream?

5. What does Avram like that they have not done?

(see the answer key)

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