To the End of the Land Quiz | One Week Quiz A

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To the End of the Land Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 8: The Walk, pages 460-513.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Ora say Ilan goes on the second or third day of the war?
(a) To the Canal to look for Avram.
(b) To the Wailing Wall.
(c) To Avram's last known address.
(d) To the catacombs.

2. What does Ora say about hers and Ilan's relationship?
(a) It was never good.
(b) They separated nine months ago.
(c) She does not talk about Ilan.
(d) It is still good.

3. What does Ilan wonder about concerning the unborn baby who will be Ofer and Avram?
(a) If Avram would believe that Ofer is his son.
(b) If Avram would like to be involved in Ofer's upbringing.
(c) If they should tell Ofer about Avram.
(d) If Ofer will love Avram.

4. What does Avram ask about Ilan?
(a) Where he is.
(b) Why Ilan left Ora.
(c) Why Ora left Ilan.
(d) If Ilan is still alive.

5. What does Ora ask Avram if he could do?
(a) Love Adam.
(b) Love Ofer.
(c) Leave Israel.
(d) Have intercourse with her.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Sami say he is taking Rami?

2. What does Ora demand of Sami before they reach the checkpoint?

3. What does Sami say when Ora calls him and asks him to drive her to Tel Aviv?

4. When is the first time Ilan leaves Ora?

5. Why does Ilan make love to Ora shortly before Ofer's birth?

(see the answer key)

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