To Teach: The Journey of a Teacher Test | Final Test - Medium

Bill Ayers
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

To Teach: The Journey of a Teacher Test | Final Test - Medium

Bill Ayers
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Ayers, what are schools?
(a) Porous places.
(b) Small places.
(c) Learning factories.
(d) Large places.

2. What is a sophisticated and complex cognitive process as suggested in Chapter 5, "Liberating the Curriculum"?
(a) Reading.
(b) Teaching.
(c) Learning.
(d) Writing.

3. As suggested in Chapter 6, "Keeping Track," who requires standardized tests to comply with state law?
(a) Parents.
(b) Teachers.
(c) Principals.
(d) School district leaders.

4. Who argued that standardized achievement tests are problematic due to their "exaggerated importance"?
(a) Lillian Weber.
(b) Herb Zimiles.
(c) William Ayers.
(d) John Holt.

5. Who was a veteran teacher that decided each summer to do a sustained study on something the teacher did not understand?
(a) Mara Sapon-Shevin.
(b) Joan Cenedella.
(c) John Holt.
(d) Alice Jefferson.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who assigns numbers to textbooks linking books to "grade-level"?

2. In Chapter 6, "Keeping Track," what is the process of narrowing, punishing, and controlling from the outside that too often passed for assessment?

3. Who believed that "human beings spent their lives weaving webs of significance"?

4. Who brought the culture of the Sioux people to life for Zayd?

5. Who argued that the basic model of curriculum and teaching was "not just mistaken and impossible, but bad in the sense of morally wrong"?

Short Essay Questions

1. Based on Chapter 4, "Building Bridges," describe why Zayd's project, a project focused on values, was an important hopeful approach to teaching.

2. What are the alternatives to standardized tests discussed by Ayers?

3. How did Ayers describe Zayd's pursuing of his "coming of age" ceremony?

4. According to Ayers, where do standardized tests push well-intentioned teachers and school leaders?

5. How does Ayers suggest people meet the problem of guidelines and mandates?

6. According to Ayers, what does culture include?

7. Describe Ayers's quest in teaching.

8. In Chapter 5, "Liberating the Curriculum," what did Sarah's mother discuss?

9. What does Ayers believe the fundamental curriculum question is?

10. According to Ayers, how do teachers become students to their students?

(see the answer keys)

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