To Paradise Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

To Paradise Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Book 2: Part 1, why does Charles want to have some of David's friends over for dinner?
(a) To show them his wealth.
(b) To gather evidence about David.
(c) To introduce them to Adams.
(d) To make David feel at home.

2. In Book 1: Part 17, what does David's grandfather show him upon his return?
(a) A bundle of letters from David's family.
(b) A box of sentimental keepsakes.
(c) A collection of Edward's old love letters.
(d) A series of unopened envelopes.

3. In Book 1: Chapter 4, how does David feel about the idea of accepting Charles Griffith's offer?
(a) He is eager to accept.
(b) He is against the idea.
(c) He is undecided and wishes he knew what to do.
(d) He has already declined the offer.

4. In Book 1: Chapter 4, how do the Binghams typically prepare for Christmas each year?
(a) They are always well-prepared.
(b) They start preparing months ahead.
(c) They make detailed plans in advance.
(d) They are often ill-prepared despite their intentions.

5. In Book 2: Part 1, how does David typically deal with his emotions regarding his father?
(a) He frequently visits his father.
(b) He seeks professional therapy.
(c) He avoids thinking about him.
(d) He writes letters to his father.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Book 1: Chapter 6, what does Edward Bishop do for a living?

2. In Book 2: Part 2, what changes occur after Wika's father's death?

3. In Book 1: Part 18, why does David claim he declined Mister Griffith's offer?

4. In Book 2: Part 2, what is Wika looking forward to during Kawika's visits to Lipo-wao-nahele?

5. In Book 1: Chapter 4, what common interest do David and Charles Griffith share?

Short Essay Questions

1. What unusual encounter does David have while walking through the Park?

2. How does David initially feel about the prospect of inheriting the Bingham family house?

3. What happened to the bear during the encounter in the Park?

4. What surprising proposition do the Cookes share with Edward and Belle?

5. How did Charles Griffith become acquainted with David, and what do they discuss during their meeting?

6. What does Edward find peculiar about the disappearance of old Hawaiian names?

7. What secret does David's grandmother reveal about their childhood and silence?

8. Why did the principal of the school call in the author regarding their son, David's, English paper?

9. Who is David's grandfather, and what role has he played in David's life?

10. What are Edward and Belle's professions, and how do they react to the proposition from the Cookes?

(see the answer keys)

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