To Paradise Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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To Paradise Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Book 1: Part 10, why does David inquire about Florence Larsson with his grandfather?
(a) He suspects Florence Larsson might know about Edward's whereabouts.
(b) He is curious about her connection to Charles Griffith.
(c) He wants to learn more about the scandal involving Florence Larsson.
(d) He is trying to distract himself from his own anxieties.

2. In Book 2: Part 2, what is the main reason Wika cannot leave Lipo-wao-nahele?
(a) He is waiting for someone to return.
(b) He is physically incapable of leaving.
(c) He is too attached to the house.
(d) He wants to maintain the land's purity.

3. In Book 2: Part 1, why does David feel it is essential to avoid thinking about his father?
(a) His father is in jail.
(b) He does not love his father.
(c) Thinking about his father is emotionally distressing.
(d) His father is abusive.

4. In Book 2: Part 1, why does Peter refuse Charles's company on his trip to Zurich?
(a) Charles has other commitments.
(b) He wants to travel alone.
(c) Charles refuses to accompany him.
(d) He does not want Charles to witness his death.

5. In Book 2: Part 1, what makes Charles's relationship with Peter different from others?
(a) Peter is younger than Charles.
(b) They have an on-and-off romantic relationship.
(c) Charles never has a romantic relationship with Peter.
(d) They are only friends.

6. In Book 2: Part 2, how do Wika and his mother define themselves before the father's death?
(a) In relation to their community.
(b) As individuals with no connection to the father.
(c) As a widow and an heir.
(d) As his wife and son.

7. In Book 1: Part 17, what does David feel as he enters his home in Washington Square?
(a) Nervous and apprehensive.
(b) Relieved and relaxed.
(c) Excited and exhilarated.
(d) Bored and uninterested.

8. In Book 1: Part 15, what does Charles Griffith confess to David about his knowledge of David's illnesses?
(a) Charles is unaware of David's illnesses.
(b) Charles is frightened by David's illnesses.
(c) Charles knows about David's illnesses and is okay with them.
(d) Charles has known about David's illnesses and still wants to marry him.

9. In Book 1: Chapter 5, how does David feel about Edward Bishop's offer to get coffee?
(a) He is annoyed by the invitation.
(b) He is uncertain about what the offer means.
(c) He declines the invitation.
(d) He eagerly accepts the offer.

10. In Book 2: Part 1, what does David think about his role in his relationship with Charles?
(a) He enjoys making most of the decisions.
(b) He believes he and Charles have equal standing in their relationship.
(c) He recognizes that he has taken on a submissive role.
(d) He feels like the dominant partner in the relationship.

11. In Book 1: Part 12, why is Edward unable to write to David during his visit with his sisters?
(a) He is too busy with family and chores.
(b) He is not allowed to write letters.
(c) He has forgotten David's address.
(d) He did not want to write to David.

12. In Book 1: Chapter 1, what event causes David to change his usual pace during his walk?
(a) The sound of the bells ringing five.
(b) A sudden change in the weather.
(c) The arrival of his brother and sister for supper.
(d) Hearing about a significant discovery in the Colonies.

13. In Book 1: Chapter 1, what decision does the grandfather make about his estate, and how does it affect David?
(a) The grandfather bequeaths his entire estate to David, leaving the others with nothing.
(b) The grandfather divides his estate equally among the siblings, leaving David with the house on Washington Square.
(c) The grandfather decides to sell the estate and divide the proceeds among the siblings.
(d) The grandfather excludes David from his will and leaves the estate to a charitable organization.

14. In Book 1: Chapter 9, what causes David to accept Charles Griffith's dinner invitation?
(a) He is curious about Charles's house.
(b) He is genuinely excited to meet Charles.
(c) He wants to honor his grandfather's request.
(d) He is eager to apologize for his previous behavior.

15. In Book 2: Part 1, what reason does David have for not bringing a gift to Charles when returning his cleaned shirt?
(a) He does not have any money to buy a gift.
(b) He does not think of an appropriate gift.
(c) He forgets to buy a gift.
(d) He does not want to seem too forward.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Book 1: Part 18, why does David claim he declined Mister Griffith's offer?

2. In Book 1: Chapter 7, why is David irritated after receiving his grandfather's command to be home precisely at five o'clock?

3. In Book 1: Part 15, how does David feel about Walden, the butler?

4. In Book 1: Chapter 3, what is depicted on the fourth panel in the Bingham Brothers bank's grand lobby?

5. In Book 1: Part 17, what does David's grandfather show him upon his return?

(see the answer keys)

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