To Paradise Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

To Paradise Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book 3: Part 5: "Spring 2094" - Part 6: "Spring, thirty years earlier".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Book 1: Part 12, why is Edward unable to write to David during his visit with his sisters?
(a) He is not allowed to write letters.
(b) He is too busy with family and chores.
(c) He has forgotten David's address.
(d) He did not want to write to David.

2. In Book 2: Part 2, what is Wika's perspective on wealth and extravagance?
(a) Wealth is relative and often unnecessary.
(b) One should indulge in luxury.
(c) One should flaunt their wealth.
(d) Money should be spent on material possessions.

3. In Book 1: Chapter 9, how does David feel about Edward's departure for Vermont?
(a) He is sad and lonely without Edward's company.
(b) He is relieved because he can focus on other activities.
(c) He does not really care about Edward's departure.
(d) He is excited about the opportunity to make new friends.

4. In Book 3: Part 5, what type of meal does Charlie prepare for dinner when her husband returns?
(a) A salad.
(b) A hot stew.
(c) Fresh tofu.
(d) Cold tofu stew.

5. In Book 1: Part 15, what does Charles Griffith confess to David about his knowledge of David's illnesses?
(a) Charles has known about David's illnesses and still wants to marry him.
(b) Charles is frightened by David's illnesses.
(c) Charles knows about David's illnesses and is okay with them.
(d) Charles is unaware of David's illnesses.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Book 3: Part 1, what significant event happens during the shuttle's stop near Forty-second Street?

2. In Book 1: Part 14, why is David hesitant to pursue a life with Charles Griffith?

3. In Book 3: Part 6, what has happened to the refugee camps?

4. In Book 2: Part 1, why does David choose not to wear a tie to the party?

5. In Book 1: Chapter 6, how does David feel about his friendship with Edward?

(see the answer key)

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