To Paradise Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

To Paradise Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book 3: Part 3: "Winter 2094" - Part 4: "Winter, forty years earlier".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Book 3: Part 4, what prompts Charles to change his plans and walk home?
(a) He needs to catch a bus.
(b) It is a sunny day after weeks of rain.
(c) He wants to visit the Park.
(d) He has to pick up his son from school.

2. In Book 1: Part 13, why is the Bingham family holding a party on March twelfth?
(a) To showcase their family's collection of artifacts.
(b) To celebrate the Bingham family's anniversary.
(c) To commemorate the Free States' independence.
(d) To host a festive gathering for their friends.

3. In Book 3: Part 1, why does Charlie go through the contents of the box?
(a) She is searching for her birth certificate.
(b) She accidentally knocks the box over.
(c) She is curious about the scraps of paper she finds.
(d) She wants to look at pictures of her husband.

4. In Book 2: Part 1, what makes Charles's relationship with Peter different from others?
(a) Peter is younger than Charles.
(b) Charles never has a romantic relationship with Peter.
(c) They are only friends.
(d) They have an on-and-off romantic relationship.

5. In Book 2: Part 1, why is David hiding on the stairs at the party?
(a) To eavesdrop on Charles and Peter.
(b) To avoid his friends.
(c) To spy on the florist and movers.
(d) To find the letter he buried.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Book 2: Part 2, what is Wika's perspective on wealth and extravagance?

2. In Book 1: Chapter 2, What is David's primary occupation or role in the family's charitable foundation?

3. In Book 1: Part 14, why is David hesitant to pursue a life with Charles Griffith?

4. In Book 3: Part 4, how does Charles feel about monitoring David's activities?

5. In Book 3: Part 2, what is the reason behind the cutbacks in federal scientific agencies, according to Charlie?

(see the answer key)

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