To Paradise Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

To Paradise Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book 3: Part 3: "Winter 2094" - Part 4: "Winter, forty years earlier".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Book 3: Part 4, why does the English teacher believe there is a problem with David's essay?
(a) David has too many grammatical errors in his essay.
(b) David's essay containes anti-government language.
(c) David did not complete the essay.
(d) David confesses to cheating on the essay.

2. In Book 1: Part 13, why is the Bingham family holding a party on March twelfth?
(a) To showcase their family's collection of artifacts.
(b) To celebrate the Bingham family's anniversary.
(c) To commemorate the Free States' independence.
(d) To host a festive gathering for their friends.

3. In Book 1: Part 18, why does David claim he declined Mister Griffith's offer?
(a) He believes the offer was not genuine.
(b) He prefers to be with his grandfather.
(c) He had a falling out with Mister Griffith.
(d) He is not in love with Mister Griffith.

4. In Book 1: Part 15, why has Charles Griffith been confined to his room?
(a) He is engaged in secretive activities.
(b) He prefers solitude.
(c) He has been ill with a cough.
(d) He is hiding from his responsibilities.

5. In Book 3: Part 4, what does the English teacher want to discuss with Charles regarding David's paper?
(a) A potential writing scholarship.
(b) David's writing style.
(c) David's future as a writer.
(d) The content of David's paper.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Book 3: Part 4, what memory does Charles have of the Ravine from when he was a university student?

2. In Book 2: Part 2, why do Wika and his son have to stop their midnight walks?

3. In Book 2: Part 2, why does Wika mention the Berlin Wall and colonies on Mars?

4. In Book 1: Part 17, what does David feel as he enters his home in Washington Square?

5. In Book 1: Part 12, why is Edward unable to write to David during his visit with his sisters?

(see the answer key)

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