To Build a Fire Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

To Build a Fire Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the protagonist chew as he travels in the narrative?
(a) Tobacco
(b) Gum
(c) Leather
(d) Manzanita leaves

2. What does the protagonist do after finishing his lunch in Part III?
(a) Watches the clouds
(b) Lights a pipe
(c) Drinks some whiskey
(d) Takes a nap

3. What does the protagonist realize he’s forgotten to do when he stops to eat his lunch in Part III?
(a) Say a prayer
(b) Build a fire
(c) Build a shelter
(d) Drink water

4. What type of point-of-view in literature allows the reader to know everything that can be known about a character, including past history, thoughts, and feelings?
(a) Omniscient
(b) Invasive
(c) Constructive
(d) Limited

5. What word refers to “a newcomer to the land” in Part I?
(a) Nuoktuk
(b) Nenukto
(c) Chenutok
(d) Chechaquo

6. Where was Jack London born?
(a) San Francisco, California
(b) Los Angeles, California
(c) Oakland, California
(d) Arcata, California

7. In literature, what are exaggerations to create emphasis or effect?
(a) Foreshadowing
(b) Hyperboles
(c) Metaphors
(d) Ironies

8. What is a literary device in which an author indistinctly suggests certain plot developments that will come later in the story?
(a) Irony
(b) Climax
(c) Foreshadowing
(d) Hyperbole

9. What had been the protagonist’s response when the old-timer told him how cold it could get in the country?
(a) He thanked him for the warning
(b) He laughed at him
(c) He cried
(d) He got angry

10. What type of dog travels with the protagonist?
(a) Burmese Mountain Dog
(b) Newfoundland
(c) German Shepherd
(d) Husky

11. When the protagonist gets up to leave after his lunch, he takes the creek trail in which direction in Part III?
(a) Up the left fork
(b) Downstream
(c) Up the right fork
(d) Up the center fork

12. What does the protagonist use to ignite his fire in Part III?
(a) A match
(b) A gun
(c) A piece of flint
(d) A magnifying glass

13. The dog’s instincts tell him that walking in this cold is not good and that it is the time to do what, in Part III?
(a) Hide behind a windbreak
(b) Lay in the sun
(c) Burrow in the snow
(d) Curl up behind a tree

14. The “dark hair-line” of trail visible in Part I is said to be the main trail that leads south how many miles to the Chilcoot Pass?
(a) 895
(b) 500
(c) 120
(d) 235

15. On top of the ice of the Yukon is how many feet of snow, according to the narrator in Part I?
(a) 6
(b) 3
(c) 8
(d) 2

Short Answer Questions

1. What time is it in the beginning of To Build a Fire?

2. When was Jack London born?

3. The narrator states in Part II that given that the freezing-point is 32 degrees above zero, the degrees of frost obtained as the protagonist travels is what?

4. What color are the protagonist’s beard and moustache?

5. Which word from Part III refers to pedigree, genealogy or stock?

(see the answer keys)

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