Tiny Alice Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tiny Alice Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Miss Alice ask Julian to do?
(a) Leave.
(b) Go back to the monastery.
(c) Move into the mansion with her.
(d) Move into the guest house.

2. What is Miss Alice's response when Julian pleads with her to explain what had just happened to him?
(a) She no longer likes wine.
(b) She wearily responds that she does not know.
(c) The model and the real thing are the same.
(d) She tells him that the lawyer had business to attend to.

3. What does the lawyer do when the other two men leave?
(a) He violently grabs Miss Alice by the wrist and forces her to the floor.
(b) He leaves.
(c) He tells Miss Alice to follow the other two men.
(d) He kisses Miss Alice.

4. What does Julian fear?
(a) The chapel.
(b) The model.
(c) Miss Alice.
(d) The lawyer.

5. What does the butler say as he enters the room?
(a) Julian does not want to see them.
(b) Julian has left the wine cellar and would be joining them presently.
(c) Julian will no longer be seeing them this evening.
(d) Julian has run away.

6. What does Julian want to do?
(a) Serve in some way and be forgotten.
(b) Become a priest.
(c) Marry Miss Alice.
(d) Run away.

7. To what topic of discomfort does Julian move?
(a) The excess found in his new life at the estate.
(b) His desire to marry Miss Alice.
(c) His sore muscles from riding.
(d) The chance he may leave her.

8. Why do the men believe surely a hundred-million dollars a year should be enough for one man?
(a) He has no authority.
(b) He is not even that attractive.
(c) He is not very intelligent.
(d) He is not even a priest.

9. To whom is he talking?
(a) The lawyer.
(b) Miss Alice.
(c) Himself.
(d) The Cardinal.

10. What does Miss Alice think about the lawyer's hair on his back, the fat between his shoulder blades, even his genitalia?
(a) She finds them to be odd.
(b) They are unusual for a man.
(c) She finds them revolting.
(d) She loves every part of him.

11. How does Miss Alice continue to humiliate Julian?
(a) By telling him he is worthless.
(b) With a discussion of riding crops and whipping and asks if he has ever whipped anyone.
(c) With a discussion about his role as her lay man.
(d) By making insulting comments about his looks.

12. Who is the butler playing?
(a) The black pieces.
(b) The devil's advocate.
(c) The lawyer.
(d) The underdog.

13. What do the folds of her negligee mimic?
(a) A tarp.
(b) The clouds.
(c) The wind.
(d) The unfurling of great wings.

14. What is the lawyer trying to do to Alice?
(a) Get her to sign a document.
(b) Kill her.
(c) Seduce Julian.
(d) Touch and caress her.

15. Where does Julian kneel?
(a) Behind her.
(b) In a corner.
(c) Away from her.
(d) Within the folds of her wing-like gown.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the butler say when at last he softens?

2. What does Julian notice about the model of the mansion?

3. What is Miss Alice saying when the other men are gone?

4. What does Miss Alice call out, as she drops her head back?

5. What happens as Miss Alice spreads her arms?

(see the answer keys)

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