Tiny Beautiful Things Test | Final Test - Medium

Cheryl Strayed
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tiny Beautiful Things Test | Final Test - Medium

Cheryl Strayed
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What unusual job did Cary Grant once have?
(a) Sword-swallower.
(b) Fire-eater.
(c) Tightrope-walker.
(d) Stilt-walker.

2. What does Sugar note was stolen from her yard sale?
(a) A camera case.
(b) A leather purse.
(c) A nylon wallet.
(d) A canvas satchel.

3. Whom does Sugar’s father ask her about?
(a) Ellen DeGeneres.
(b) Oprah Winfrey.
(c) Dr. Oz.
(d) Rachel Ray.

4. What does Sugar cite as an aggravation of wedding-planning?
(a) Choice of venue.
(b) Napkin color.
(c) Tablecloth fabric.
(d) Cake flavor.

5. As which of the following does Sugar note she would represent herself?
(a) A gaping mouth.
(b) A narrowed eye.
(c) A splayed hand.
(d) A running nose.

Short Answer Questions

1. Over what does Sugar report her children fight?

2. With whom did Sugar do a podcast?

3. How many paragraphs does Living Dead Dad write to Sugar?

4. As which of the following does Sugar gloss "Praestigiae"?

5. Which country does Sugar note having wanted to hike?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Sugar note a person can find forgiveness?

2. What questions does Sugar ask her memoir-writing students as they review student work?

3. To what does the letter-writer in “Bend” ascribe her emotional affair?

4. What general advice for what NOT to do does Sugar give?

5. What does Sugar note prompted her decision to become a parent?

6. What is the worst *physical* abuse C reports her brother perpetrating on her?

7. How does Sugar describe jeans in the wake of a breakup?

8. How does Sugar report trying to quell the nagging voice inside her head?

9. What is the first piece of advice Sugar asserts she would give to her twenty-something self?

10. Why does Sugar assert that cell phones counter the benefits of the wilderness?

(see the answer keys)

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