Tiny Beautiful Things Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Cheryl Strayed
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tiny Beautiful Things Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Cheryl Strayed
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who provides the introduction to Tiny Beautiful Things?
(a) Elliott.
(b) Fitzgerald
(c) Almond.
(d) Strayed.

2. Which organization’s website does Sugar recommend?
(a) BabyCenter.
(b) Daily Strength.
(c) Parents without Partners.
(d) Single Mothers by Choice.

3. Which of the following authors did Sugar have posted on a chalkboard?
(a) McCullers.
(b) O'Connor.
(c) Faulkner.
(d) Percy.

4. How many books of poetry does Sugar suggest people in their twenties buy?
(a) 10.
(b) 20.
(c) 5.
(d) 15.

5. What does Sugar cite as her golden rule?
(a) Trust the journey.
(b) Trust yourself.
(c) Live and let live.
(d) Do unto others before they do unto you.

Short Answer Questions

1. How old does Sugar note being when her parents divorced?

2. How old was Ian when he was burned?

3. Where did Kate intern?

4. What size shoe did Sugar’s mother wear?

5. What was the last word Sugar's mother said to her?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Sugar note that the graduates she addresses will be all right?

2. What point does Sugar make to the letter-writer with whom she discusses the Beauty and the Beast story?

3. What does Sugar offer as the best possible advice for an aspiring writer?

4. How does Sugar euthanize the baby bird she finds with a broken neck?

5. How does Sugar characterize worry stones?

6. What does the book note is “literature’s greatest superpower” (xi)?

7. How does Sugar reframe the question of whether or not someone will ever love a given person?

8. How does Sugar suggest Bewildered comfort his fiancée?

9. Aside from wearing a particular mask, what advice does Sugar report avoiding giving?

10. What does the child protective services worker Sugar consults note is a benefit of working with teenagers?

(see the answer keys)

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