Tinkers Test | Final Test - Medium

Paul Harding
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Tinkers Test | Final Test - Medium

Paul Harding
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What word used in Chapter 4 refers to incised carving, or ornamentation with a figure or design sunk below the surface?
(a) Intaglio.
(b) Particulate.
(c) Relief.
(d) Proscenium.

2. What month is it when Howard describes his mother helping his father dress before his father is taken away in Chapter 3?
(a) April.
(b) March.
(c) September.
(d) January.

3. What are the men wearing as they wait outside to take Howard's father away in Chapter 3?
(a) Blue coats and hats.
(b) White coats and hats.
(c) Blue hospital uniforms.
(d) Black coats and hats.

4. As Howard stands in the silt of the pond outlet in the woods in Chapter 3, the narrator describes the sticks and branches on the pond bed as feeling like what to him?
(a) Snakes.
(b) Engine parts.
(c) Stones.
(d) Bones.

5. Where in the house does Howard's mother dress his father before his father is taken away?
(a) In the kitchen.
(b) In the basement.
(c) In the parlor.
(d) In his bedroom.

Short Answer Questions

1. What color does the green sea turn in the excerpt from Chapter 4 called "Homo Borealis"?

2. What word used by Howard in Chapter 3 refers to a disgrace or humiliation?

3. What word used by Howard in Chapter 3 means anxious or concerned?

4. George awakens for the last time how many hours before he dies in Chapter 4?

5. Howard says the following in Chapter 3: "My mother opened the outside door and the light came in and carved every object in the kitchen into an ancient relic." What literary device is used in this sentence?

Short Essay Questions

1. How is Howard's death described in Chapter 4? What is this description juxtaposed against?

2. Who comes to visit George in the opening of Chapter 4? What does this character do during her visit?

3. What characters are introduced during Howard's journey to search for his father in Chapter 3, Part 2?

4. How has Howard managed to track down George's address in Chapter 4? What does he do when he locates George?

5. What is the principle motif used throughout Tinkers? What does this motif represent?

6. What alias does Howard Crosby take on after he leaves his family? Where does he go?

7. What regret does Howard display regarding his father in the beginning of Chapter 3?

8. How does the theme of competition apply to the characters and relationship of George and Howard Crosby in Tinkers?

9. What hallucinations does Howard experience in Tagg Pond in Chapter 3, Part 2?

10. How did Howard's loss of his own father later influence his actions with his wife and children?

(see the answer keys)

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