The Tin Drum Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Tin Drum Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Oskar feel about the black market business?
(a) He turns them in.
(b) He willingly participates.
(c) He does not know about it.
(d) He is opposed to it.

2. Where does Maria decide to go with her son and Oskar?
(a) Rhineland.
(b) Berlin.
(c) West Germany.
(d) America.

3. What happens on the day Schuman shoots 13 birds?
(a) He loses his business.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Birds attack his car.
(d) He is arrested.

4. Who is Guste engaged to?
(a) Greff.
(b) Kurt.
(c) Ktzster.
(d) Oskar.

5. While in Dusseldorf, who does Oskar befriend?
(a) Kurt.
(b) Korneff.
(c) Ktzster.
(d) Guste.

6. What does Sister Dorothea mistake Oskar for?
(a) A doll.
(b) The Devil.
(c) Baby Jesus.
(d) A clown.

7. Who is hired to play at the Onion Cellar?
(a) The Rhine River Three.
(b) The Danzig Rebels.
(c) The midget troupe.
(d) The Dusters.

8. What does Klepp use to cook?
(a) A match.
(b) A lighter.
(c) He does not cook.
(d) A bedside stove.

9. In Chapter 34, why can't Oskar drum or write?
(a) He is not allowed.
(b) His joints are in pain.
(c) He prefers to talk to Bruno.
(d) He loses his will.

10. What type of order are out for Victor?
(a) Military.
(b) Eviction.
(c) Execution.
(d) Working.

11. What is across the street from Oskar's new apartment?
(a) A glass house.
(b) A coffin warehouse.
(c) A chocolate factory.
(d) A funeral home.

12. What does Oskar's landlord resemble?
(a) A pig.
(b) A bird.
(c) An elephant.
(d) A hedgehog.

13. When does Willie lose interest in Miss Pioch?
(a) When a younger girl moves in.
(b) When he moves.
(c) When he meets Oskar.
(d) When her toe recovers.

14. How tall is Oskar in the hospital when Bruno measures him?
(a) 3 feet 6 inches.
(b) 3 feet.
(c) 3 feet 3 inches.
(d) 4 feet 1 inch.

15. As Oskar is in the mental hospital, what does he think Klepp is trying to do?
(a) Steal his drum.
(b) Kill him.
(c) Steal his woman.
(d) Get even.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens to Sister Dorothea when Oskar admits his love for her?

2. In Chapter 40, as Oskar hears sounds in the room adjoining the nurse's, what does the neighbor ask of him?

3. What is the name of the concert promoter that approaches Oskar after Schuman's funeral?

4. What does Oskar give Vittlar in exchange for his silence?

5. What instrument does Klepp play?

(see the answer keys)

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