The Tin Drum Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Tin Drum Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the beginning of Chapter 16, who becomes a member of the Nazi Mounted SA band?
(a) Oskar.
(b) Mezterath.
(c) Meyn.
(d) Bronski.

2. Who at the Polish post office is able to repair Oskar's drum?
(a) Bronski's manager.
(b) The Post Master.
(c) A janitor.
(d) A customer.

3. Each day, Oskar sees the school children outside. What does he feel toward these children?
(a) Envy.
(b) Hate.
(c) Appreciation.
(d) Happiness.

4. In Chapter 3, Oskar is in the hospital and his friends come to visit. What gift does Klepp bring him?
(a) A new drum.
(b) Stationary.
(c) Books.
(d) A jazz recorder.

5. Oskar describes his room in the mental hospital. How does he describe his bed?
(a) As a goal.
(b) Soft as a cloud.
(c) His demise.
(d) Cold and hard.

6. What does Bronski call Oskar after becoming disoriented due to an injury at the Post Office?
(a) His son.
(b) Matzerath.
(c) Little drummer boy.
(d) Agnes.

7. What does Matzerath do after finding out Maria is pregnant?
(a) Fires her.
(b) Sends her away.
(c) Marries her.
(d) Forces Oskar to marry her.

8. When Oskar's first drum breaks and his parents think he might be cut by it, what do his parents use to try to bribe him into giving up his drum?
(a) A teddy bear.
(b) A new drum.
(c) A visit to the zoo.
(d) Chocolate.

9. What is raised in 1938?
(a) Gas prices.
(b) Custom duties.
(c) Food prices.
(d) The cost of education.

10. While on his way home from the church one night, where does Oskar go to avoid the gang?
(a) He runs home.
(b) A chocolate factory.
(c) Under a bridge.
(d) Back to the church.

11. What does Greff do on Sundays in the winter?
(a) Goes to church.
(b) Feeds to poor.
(c) Rest.
(d) Bathe naked in the Baltic.

12. Why doesn't Greff want Oskar to play with the books?
(a) They cost over 6 gulden.
(b) They were of a sexual nature.
(c) He does not want Oskar to learn.
(d) He thinks Oskar will only rip them up.

13. A man at the circus tells Oskar he stopped growing at what age?
(a) 1 year.
(b) 21 years.
(c) 3 years.
(d) 10 years.

14. What does Oskar believe when Maria becomes pregnant?
(a) She has been unfaithful.
(b) It is Matzerath's child.
(c) It is a delusion.
(d) It is his child.

15. Who does the seven of spades represent?
(a) Matzerath.
(b) Anna.
(c) Oskar.
(d) Bronski.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Oskar think his mother becomes more religious?

2. What do the solider seal in the walls of each pillbox building they build?

3. What wakes Oskar up after he falls asleep in the mail room of the post office?

4. After Hebert's funeral, what does Meyn do after becoming too drunk?

5. What does Oskar expect to receive for Christmas?

(see the answer keys)

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