The Time of Your Life Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Time of Your Life Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Kitty do after looking at an old picture of herself?
(a) Smiles to herself.
(b) Cries.
(c) Laughs out loud.
(d) Hides it.

2. What is Nick's daughter's name?
(a) Abby.
(b) Amy.
(c) Anna.
(d) Annette.

3. Which of the following is not one of the topics Kit Carson expounds on?
(a) His four marriages.
(b) Whether Catholics are guaranteed a place in heaven.
(c) The three wars he's been in.
(d) Being the father of so many children he doesn't know their names.

4. How does Kitty react when she hears the sailor calling out?
(a) She is frightened.
(b) She is glad to see him again.
(c) She hides in the bathroom.
(d) She sends Tom out to beat him up.

5. What is the name of the hotel for the setting of Act 3?
(a) Just Inn Time.
(b) New York Hotel.
(c) The Four Seasons.
(d) Holiday Inn Express.

6. Kitty tries to hide herself _______________ but it doesn't work.
(a) Behind the curtains.
(b) In the closet.
(c) In the bathroom.
(d) On the bed.

7. Which one of the men is in love with Kitty?
(a) Tom.
(b) Harry.
(c) Wesley.
(d) Nick.

8. What is the setting for Act 4?
(a) An alley.
(b) Nick's bar.
(c) Kitty's room.
(d) A train station.

9. Kitty's mood lifts a bit at the thought of _____________.
(a) A hot bath.
(b) Tom.
(c) Going home for a visit.
(d) A stiff drink.

10. Which character mimics everything Nick says?
(a) Kit.
(b) Joe.
(c) Kitty.
(d) Wesley.

11. What about Kitty's appearance moves Tom?
(a) Her disheveled hair.
(b) Her tears.
(c) Her torn stockings.
(d) Her streaked makeup.

12. What noise is heard coming from the hallway outside Kitty's room?
(a) Screaming.
(b) Arguing.
(c) Laughing.
(d) Singing.

13. In what state did Kitty grow up?
(a) Oregon.
(b) Illinois.
(c) Oklahoma.
(d) Ohio.

14. In what room of the hotel does Act 3 take place?
(a) Room 12.
(b) Room 21.
(c) Room 1212.
(d) Room 212.

15. What is Elsie's last name?
(a) Manischevitz.
(b) Mandelspiegel.
(c) Mandelbaum.
(d) Mannheim.

Short Answer Questions

1. Nick receives an annoying phone call from whom?

2. What is Kit Carson doing as the scene opens?

3. Which of the following does the drunk not ask God to bless in his toast?

4. Which of the following does Kitty not look at in the room?

5. Which of the following does Krupp not attribute to the world's problems?

(see the answer keys)

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