Time's Arrow Test | Final Test - Medium

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Time's Arrow Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the motto of the Schless-Hartheim camp?
(a) That which does not kill you will make you stronger.
(b) Work will set you free.
(c) There is such a thing as life that is not worthy of life.
(d) You don't want to know.

2. What is the name of Odilo Unverdorben's wife?
(a) Inge.
(b) Herta.
(c) Marta.
(d) Irene.

3. What does the narrator think about Auschwitz now that he is seeing it again in Odilo Unverdorben's youth?
(a) He dreams about it being burned to the ground.
(b) He misses the experiments he learned at Schless-Hartheim.
(c) He misses its glorious days as a death camp.
(d) He is glad to see it in its peacetime prime.

4. Where does the narrator think Odilo Unverdorben's unit ferries Jews to and from?
(a) To the ghettos from their villages.
(b) To their villages from the ghettos.
(c) To Treblinka from Auschwitz.
(d) To Auschwitz from Salerno, Italy.

5. Where does Herta work when Odilo Unverdorben meets her?
(a) As a nurse in the hospital in Munich.
(b) As a milliner in Munich.
(c) As a nurse at Schless-Hartheim.
(d) As a secretary in his school.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who owns Auschwitz when Odilo Unverdorben visits it with his parents?

2. What happens to the Jews in Germany when the racial laws are passed?

3. How does the narrator feel when the Schless-Hartheim camp celebrates its 5,000th patient?

4. How does Odilo Unverdorben's wife relax while she is pregnant?

5. How does Odilo Unverdorben's assignment to Shless-Hartheim appear to the narrator?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe Herta's feelings about Auschwitz.

2. Describe Odilo Unverdorben's relationship with his father.

3. How does the narrator describe the Jews' experiences at Auschwitz?

4. Describe Odilo Unverdorben's work in the Waffen Secret Service.

5. How does Odilo Unverdorben's language change during his time at Auschwitz?

6. Describe the narrator's relationship with Odilo Unverdorben's father.

7. The narrator is usually just stuck with his backward perspective. Describe a case where he creates his own explanations and has to explain things to himself.

8. Describe the irony of the narrator thinking that Odilo Unverdorben and Herta are taking apart baby furniture and un-sewing baby clothes.

9. How does the narrator's relationship with Herta progress?

10. What does the narrator think about Auschwitz when he sees it through Odilo Unverdorben's thirteen-year-old eyes?

(see the answer keys)

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