Time's Arrow Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Time's Arrow Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where would John Young perform abortions on women?
(a) In the pediatric ward.
(b) At the Imperial Hotel.
(c) At their homes.
(d) In the basement apartment.

2. How does the narrator feel at the beginning of the book?
(a) Strong and young.
(b) He has an ankle pain.
(c) Old and full of fear.
(d) Completely paralyzed.

3. Where does Odilo Unverdorben live most comfortably?
(a) Lisbon.
(b) Salerno.
(c) Germany.
(d) On board the ship to Europe.

4. What is Tod Friendly's car perched against when the narrator sees the policeman put Tod in his car?
(a) Another car.
(b) A fire hydrant.
(c) A building.
(d) A boulder.

5. How does the narrator learn that a woman wants to sleep with John Young?
(a) She would tell him that she loves him.
(b) She would agree to go out to dinner.
(c) She would call John a bad name.
(d) She would talk out on him.

6. Where does the taxi cab take John Young after his night of drinking?
(a) To the Imperial Hotel.
(b) To the hospital.
(c) To his house.
(d) To the basement apartment.

7. Where does the narrator think that Tod Friendly finds Irene's love letters?
(a) In the mail.
(b) In the drawer.
(c) In the trash.
(d) In the fire.

8. How do people speak in the narrator's experience?
(a) In code.
(b) In languages the narrator does not understand.
(c) Backwards.
(d) In gibberish.

9. What seems to the narrator to make more sense backwards?
(a) Using the bathroom.
(b) Male/female conversations.
(c) Sex.
(d) Eating.

10. When does John Young sail for Europe?
(a) 1945.
(b) 1917.
(c) 1948.
(d) 1982.

11. What does Irene do after she stops loving John Young?
(a) Cleans his house twice a week.
(b) Calls him a bad name and leave.
(c) Asks for forgiveness.
(d) Has an abortion.

12. When would John Young's affairs typically begin?
(a) A few months after he performs an abortion for his girlfriend.
(b) After he helps people at the hospital.
(c) A few months before he performs an abortion for his girlfriend.
(d) After his lovers are beaten by their husbands.

13. When does the narrator feel that he and Tod Friendly have things in common?
(a) When Tod Friendly is looking at women.
(b) When Tod Friendly is talking to Irene.
(c) When Tod Friendly is dreaming about a person in a lab coat.
(d) When Tod Friendly is taking money from prostitutes.

14. What does the man in the basement apartment say when John Young says, "You were expecting me, my name is John Young"?
(a) "The weather is getting better, isn't it?"
(b) "I've been expecting you."
(c) "Do you have the money?"
(d) "Tod Friendly."

15. What term does the narrator coin to describe the act of eating?
(a) "Celebration of food."
(b) "Going to the restaurant."
(c) "Feasting."
(d) "Vomitorium."

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Tod Friendly do when he shaves?

2. What is the name on the door where the narrator thinks that Tod Friendly has found an apartment?

3. How often does "the Agent" visit Hamilton de Souza/John Young?

4. Where does the narrator get his mail from?

5. What does John Young tell the Reverend Kreditor when they meet?

(see the answer keys)

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