The Time Machine Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Time Machine Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What academic subject is based on misconceptions, according to the Time Traveler?
(a) Calculus.
(b) Arithmetic.
(c) Algebra.
(d) Geometry.

2. The narrator mentions that if another character had shown them the time machine, they would not be as skeptical as they were of the Time Traveler. Which other character does he mention?
(a) The Medical Man.
(b) The Very Young Man.
(c) Filby.
(d) The Provincial Mayor.

3. What does the Time Traveler see after his meal with the Eloi, when he goes outside again to look at the White Sphinx?
(a) He sees Morlocks.
(b) He sees a forest fire.
(c) He sees that another Time Machine is parked next to his own.
(d) He sees that the Time Machine is missing.

4. What does the Time Traveler ask his guests to save for him while he changes?
(a) Greenbean casserole.
(b) Salad.
(c) Dessert.
(d) Meat.

5. Which character suggests that, in the future, time travelers might encounter communist societies?
(a) The Medical Man.
(b) Filby.
(c) The narrator.
(d) The Psychologist.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is the Time Traveler worried about stopping?

2. In Chapter 3, which of the following things is wrong with the time machine when the Time Traveler returns?

3. With which institution is Professor Simon Newcomb affiliated?

4. Why does the Time Traveler think that it was not the Eloi who moved the time machine?

5. What does the Time Traveler notice about Eloi gender roles?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does the Time Traveler feel instinctual hatred for and fear of the Morlocks?

2. Describe the Time Traveler's reaction to the fact that his machine has been moved into the White Sphinx; what action does he undertake, if any, to recover the machine?

3. Describe the state of the time machine when the Time Traveler finally finds it in the base of the White Sphinx?

4. How much time has passed for the Time Traveler? How does this compare to the amount of time that he says has passed for the guests?

5. Where (in terms of to which time period/what kind of time period) does the narrator assume that the Time Traveler has traveled to at the end of the novel?

6. What happens when the Psychologist pushes the lever on the model time machine and how do the observers respond?

7. Describe the Time Traveler's appearance when he suddenly arrives during the second dinner.

8. What does the Time Traveler discover about the Palace?

9. According to the Time Traveler, what happened when he sat in the Time Machine and pressed the lever?

10. What does the Time Traveler discover about the Morlocks that allows him to escape the three of them in the tunnel?

(see the answer keys)

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