Timeline Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Timeline Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is revealed when Kate removes Chris' doublet?
(a) His cuts are infected
(b) He is covered with dirt
(c) His bruises are healing well
(d) He is bruised and cut up

2. What is the message when Marek slaps Sir Guy on his head with the flat of the sword?
(a) To go after Marek
(b) To stop being dishonorable
(c) That Marek intends to defend Chris
(d) An insult

3. How do the others react to the idea of going after the professor?
(a) They are hesitant
(b) They are afraid
(c) They are thrilled
(d) They do not believe what Doniger has told them

4. Where does Kate follow Chris and Marek?
(a) To the tower
(b) To Sir Oliver's war room
(c) To the bridge, where they are told to leave the area
(d) To the dungeon

5. For how long is a nav marker useable?
(a) One week
(b) Four days
(c) Thirty-seven hours
(d) Indefinitely

Short Answer Questions

1. What concept does Stern explain to the group as they are traveling to ITC headquarters?

2. What does Lady Claire say of Chris to Sir Oliver?

3. About what does Kate warn Marek and Chris?

4. Who does Lady Claire say has been captured?

5. What does not surprise Marek about Stern?

Short Essay Questions

1. What surprises Chris about his bath?

2. What does Gordon explain about the nav button Sue Gomez carries?

3. What happens back at ITC after Gordon activates his return?

4. What does Marek notice about the doors as they descend, and what does Gordon explain about them?

5. What does the Professor whisper to Kate and Marek the minute he sees them?

6. What horrifies Kate about the entire travel concept?

7. What helps Chris to relax a little at site when they arrive?

8. How does Marek react to Chris and David's decisions not to go on the mission?

9. What does Gordon explain to David about the reconstitution of the travelers?

10. How does Chris take the traveling?

(see the answer keys)

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