Time and Again Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Time and Again Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Jake tell Carmody he's investigating?
(a) The Tweed Ring.
(b) The Tweed Suit.
(c) The Bad Ring.
(d) The Silver Ring.

2. What is the relationship between Jake and Julia?
(a) They're engaged.
(b) They're friends.
(c) There is no relationship between them.
(d) They're brother and sister.

3. When Si returns to the boarding house, where does he tell Julia he's going?
(a) To the Dakota.
(b) To his office.
(c) Home to work on the farm.
(d) Home to see Katie.

4. What does Si tell Julia his plans are for his first day at the boarding house?
(a) To get back to his own time.
(b) To find Andrew Carmody.
(c) To get a haircut.
(d) To shop for clothes.

5. Why does Si insist that Julia return home?
(a) Because it's the right thing to do.
(b) So she can marry Jake.
(c) So she doesn't have to experience war, pollution or racism.
(d) Because it would change the future if she doesn't.

6. When Jake and Carmody do meet, where do they go to talk?
(a) To a closet in Jake's office.
(b) To a phone booth.
(c) To the alley between buildings.
(d) To a park bench.

7. What does Julia tell Si is the most important thing to a woman?
(a) That a man is a good provider.
(b) That a man asks her to marry him.
(c) That a man is handsome.
(d) That a man has his own car.

8. What newspaper office does Si notice on his way to Jake's office?
(a) The Herald Ledger.
(b) The Washington Post.
(c) The New York Observer.
(d) The New York Times.

9. On his way to the agency in Chapter 16, what detour does Si make?
(a) To 19 Gramercy Park.
(b) To the Dakota.
(c) To Katie's house.
(d) To the post office.

10. After finding nothing but dead ends, what trail in Jake's investigation tells him that Carmody is still alive?
(a) The trail that leads to the agency.
(b) The trail that leads to the White House.
(c) The trail that leads to Carmody.
(d) The trail that leads to a group of businessmen.

11. During the board meeting, who gets angry and says he's going to shut the project down?
(a) Danziger.
(b) Si.
(c) Dr. Rossoff.
(d) Esterhazy.

12. What is Si concerned about if Julia goes back to her own time?
(a) That she'll have to lie about where she's been.
(b) That she'll marry Jake.
(c) That he won't see her again.
(d) What Carmody and Byrnes will do to her.

13. What day is it at the beginning of Chapter 18?
(a) Si's birthday.
(b) The day Si finds out who delivered Carmody's letter.
(c) The day Carmody and Jake are scheduled to meet.
(d) Jake and Julia's wedding day.

14. What does Julia tell Si about the markings on Carmody's tombstone?
(a) It means Carmody was part of a men's club.
(b) It's a good luck sign.
(c) The markings were a sign of social standing.
(d) It means Carmody was an astronomer.

15. After listening in on Jake and Carmody, where does Si go?
(a) Back to the post office.
(b) To Jake's office.
(c) To the agency.
(d) To Carmody's house.

Short Answer Questions

1. Most of Chapter 13 contains Si's description of what?

2. What does Si tell Julia about Jake?

3. Who takes charge of the agency after Danziger leaves?

4. Where does Si take Julia so she can go back to 1882?

5. Why do Si and Julia run from Jake's office?

(see the answer keys)

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