Till We Have Faces Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Till We Have Faces Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. To what does the Fox attribute the fact that the dangers and plagues disappeared from Glome when Psyche was sacrificed?
(a) Chance
(b) Ungit's satisfaction
(c) Divine nature's forgiveness
(d) Changing of the wind

2. Why does the mob return to the palace a second time?
(a) They want the king to have a son.
(b) They are starving.
(c) They believe Psyche caused the fever.
(d) They want to curse the king.

3. Orual denies the feeling of elation rising in her at the beauty of nature. Why?
(a) She feels feverish and unsure of her perceptions.
(b) Bardia warns her against the feeling.
(c) She understands it is a deception of her senses.
(d) She feels indulging it would be like laughing on the way to Psyche's funeral.

4. The fact that Orual cannot see the Psyche's palace implies that. . .
(a) Psyche cannot see the palace either.
(b) Orual does not want to believe in gods.
(c) Psyche is trying to deceive Orual.
(d) Orual does not have the faith that is required to see it.

5. Which of the following is a reason why the narrator does not fear the gods will punish her for writing her book?
(a) She is old and has already suffered terrors and plagues.
(b) The Greeks' wise men will know whether her complaint is right or wrong.
(c) She is writing the book in Greek, which the gods will not understand.
(d) She has no loved ones left whom the gods can hurt.

Short Answer Questions

1. Orual is comforted by the fire and food at her camp with Bardia. Why?

2. What caused the King's position to weaken even further?

3. What thoughts has Orual repeated about the gods throughout the story?

4. What do the grateful citizens of Glome do for Psyche that concerns Orual?

5. Bardia offers to accompany Orual up the Mountain. Why?

Short Essay Questions

1. What reasons does the Fox have for wanting to commit suicide?

2. Why is Psyche ashamed to be mortal?

3. What happens to Orual when she hears that Psyche is to be sacrificed?

4. How has the palace changed since Orual came out of the Pillar Room?

5. What is Orual's biggest struggle in chapter 11?

6. The Fox has taught Orual and Psyche to believe what about the people they will encounter daily?

7. What is Redival's purpose in visiting the temple so frequently?

8. What is the lesson the Fox expresses about Nature, or the Whole, in chapter 8?

9. What are the King's reasons for sacrificing Psyche?

10. Why does the King begin to use the Fox as an advisor?

(see the answer keys)

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