Thyestes; Phaedra; the Trojan Women; Oedipus with Octavia Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Thyestes; Phaedra; the Trojan Women; Oedipus with Octavia Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Thyestes; Phaedra; the Trojan Women; Oedipus with Octavia Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Hippolytus rebuffs Phaedra, how does she react?

2. What does Hippolytus prefer over social interactions?

3. What does the chorus sing about at the end of the first act of "Phaedra"?

4. At the end of the third act of "Phaedra," the chorus cries, "Why dost thou dwell afar,/ All too indifferent to men,/ Not anxious to bring blessing to the good,/ And to the evil, bane"? About what is the chorus lamenting?

5. At the end of "Thyestes," what does the titular character entrust to the gods?

Short Essay Questions

1. What plot does Atreus form against his brother and why?

2. Of what does Hippolytus' nurse try to convince Phaedra in the first act?

3. Over what is Tantalus agonizing in the afterlife and why?

4. For what reasons did Atreus murder his nephews?

5. Describe the backstory to "Phaedra."

6. What happens when Phaedra reveals to Hippolytus her attraction for him?

7. Describe Theseus' conflicting emotions over the death of his son and upon learning of his wife's deception.

8. Discuss the character of Atreus.

9. What is the chorus at the end of the first act of "Phaedra" singing about and how does it relate to the action of the play?

10. In what conflicting moods does Thyestes find himself as he travels to Argos?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Write a brief essay about whether Oedipus and Jocasta deserve to be punished for their inadvertent incest. Discuss Jocasta's statement, "Fate is that fault of thine: by fate no one is made guilty" in relation to your thesis statement. Be sure to discuss the murder of Laius and how it has affected Oedipus throughout the years, as well as Tiresias and Creon's beliefs that Oedipus should remain ignorant of his parentage. Cite specific examples from the text to support your answers.

Essay Topic 2

What is significant about the roles love and hate play in Seneca's work? How is this embodied by Thyestes and Atreus? How does both hate and love appear to drive Nero from "Octavia"? What tends to be the result of any hate in these plays? What does this suggest about Seneca's views on society and people? Cite specific examples from the text to support your answers.

Essay Topic 3

What roles do the gods play in the lives of Seneca's characters? How do they handle meting out justice? How do the humans look upon them? What is significant about the fact that the gods are never actually seen in any of these plays? How does this relate to the humans governing themselves and doling out punishments and justice? Develop a clear thesis statement in order to answer these questions (though not exclusively) and cite specific examples from the text to support your answers.

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