Thunderhead Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Thunderhead Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Peter discover in Chapter 37?
(a) That Sloane and Aragon are involved.
(b) That Aragon is missing.
(c) That Sloane and Black are involved.
(d) That Sloane and Black have been abducted.

2. What treatment does he require and not have with him?
(a) None of the above.
(b) Antihistamine.
(c) Antifungals.
(d) Antibiotics.

3. What phrase repeats itself over and over in Black's mind?
(a) The discovery of a lifetime.
(b) One step at a time.
(c) Everywhere the glint of gold.
(d) Dreams do come true.

4. What does Nora use against the final skinwalker?
(a) A spear with an obsidian tip.
(b) Fire.
(c) Sloane's gun.
(d) A club.

5. What thought horrifies Nora after the skinwalker and Sloane tumble down to their deaths?
(a) That she can't get down.
(b) That Bill is unprotected.
(c) The fact that two skinwalkers had attacked her and one was still loose in Quivira.
(d) That she is the only one left alive.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Sloane wonder while she is waiting to ambush Nora?

2. Swire arrives in haste to give Nora what information?

3. What question does Black ask Sloane that she refuses to answer?

4. What has Swire been trying to write?

5. What does Beiyoodzin hope to do?

Short Essay Questions

1. How do Smithback and Nora escape?

2. Who grabs Nora from behind when she goes to check whether or not Sloane had killed Smithback?

3. How does Sloane test Nora's authority yet again?

4. Why is Swire angry when Nora and Bill return to Quivira?

5. How does the flash flood announce itself?

6. What does Black think of Sloane's behavior as the flood waters rage?

7. How does Black justify his omission when the flash flood comes?

8. What had Sloane's father surmised regarding the few small shards of black on yellow micaceous pottery he had been able to study?

9. What happens to Roscoe after the rest of the group heads for the Kiva opening?

10. What discovery does Black make, and how is it discovered?

(see the answer keys)

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