Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Who have the sisters been teasing for being in love with a girl who is engaged?
2. Who does Tusenbach try to make peace with although it doesn't seem to be successful?
3. Who is gaining weight according to the observations of the other characters in the play?
4. Which of the women in the play describes herself as a little white bird?
5. Who gives Irina some crayons to play with, making her feel again like she is treated like a child?
Short Essay Questions
1. What is Ferapont demanding of Andrei?
2. What have Kulygin and Masha been invited to do?
3. What does Vershinin suggest he, Tusenbach, and Masha do?
4. What happens, according to Tusenbach, when Solyony is around people?
5. How has Andrei changed since being with Natasha?
6. What does Anfisa announce when she arrives at the beginning of Act 1, Part 2?
7. What does Andrei do in the background throughout the scene?
8. What is the rumor that is bothering Irina?
9. What is Natasha worried about in relation to Sophie?
10. Where is the final act of the play set?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
What's interesting about this play is that the men are just as flawed as the women in their actions and in their ideas.
Part 1: Compare and contrast the emotional natures of the men and the women in this play.
Part 2: Does it seem the men are 'typical' men or are they different from the stereotypical male characters? If they are different, explain how. if they are the same, explain that answer.
Part 3: Does Chekhov seem to be saying that the sexes are equal in relation to their experience of life? Support your answer.
Essay Topic 2
Within this play are many examples of the number '3' - not just in the title itself. The relevance of the number '3' seems to indicate a pattern within this play and within the lives of its characters.
Part 1: List at least three examples of where the number '3' is shown in the play.
Part 2: What is the significance of the number '3' in this play?
Part 3: What might Chekhov be trying to show the viewer or the reader in using the number '3' so often?
Essay Topic 3
The ending of the play leaves the reader/viewer wondering if the sisters will every be truly happy in their lives.
Part 1: Describe the last scene of the play, what happens, and what the sisters are feeling.
Part 2: Do you have hope for the sisters at the end of the play? Why or why not?
Part 3: In terms of the family connection, do you think that's the only thing that matters in the end of the play? Why or why not? What does this ending seem to tell the reader/viewer about hope, about love, and about dreams?
This section contains 644 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |