The Three Sisters Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Three Sisters Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who says he is professing noble emotions even though he feels he is being ignored?
(a) Tusenbach
(b) Andrei
(c) Chebutykin
(d) Solyony

2. Who does Natasha say looks tired, which is a statement she has made before about the same character?
(a) Andrei
(b) Irina
(c) Masha
(d) Olga

3. Who is lying on the sofa as Olga and Anfisa enter?
(a) Bobik
(b) Irina
(c) Andrei
(d) Masha

4. Olga says the whole town is gossiping about whom, much to her dismay?
(a) Tusenbach
(b) Andrei
(c) Chebutykin
(d) Vershinin

5. What does Natasha carry as she passes through the scene, causing Masha to accuse her of setting the fires?
(a) A knife
(b) A wine glass
(c) A bottle of vodka
(d) A candle

6. Who comments they forgot to say goodbye to him?
(a) Andrei
(b) Vershinin
(c) Kulygin
(d) Chebutykin

7. Who professes his love for Masha, which he tends to do quite often?
(a) Kulygin
(b) Tusenbach
(c) Vershinin
(d) Andrei

8. Who wonders why falling in love in books seems to be so much better than in real life?
(a) Olga
(b) Irina
(c) Andrei
(d) Masha

9. Who does Chebutykin say was just killed?
(a) Solyony
(b) Vershinin
(c) Andrei
(d) Tusenbach

10. Where does Irina always dream of finding her true love, which is why she wants to return to this place?
(a) Italy
(b) Moscow
(c) Germany
(d) United States

11. Who says there should be a society created to help the victims of the disaster?
(a) Masha
(b) Irina
(c) Olga
(d) Natasha

12. Who talks happily about her life with Olga in the apartment above the schoolhouse?
(a) Masha
(b) Natasha
(c) Irina
(d) Anfisa

13. Who did the shattered china clock belong to?
(a) Natasha's aunt
(b) Irina's mother
(c) Natasha's mother
(d) Andrei

14. Who says he/she will not see Irina again, which is a sad statement to Irina?
(a) Fedotik
(b) Andrei
(c) Olga
(d) Tusenbach

15. Who is going through her clothes for things to give to the victims?
(a) Natasha
(b) Masha
(c) Olga
(d) Irina

Short Answer Questions

1. Who moves into the school when she became headmistress?

2. What does Masha nickname her lover although everyone knows who he is?

3. What are the firefighters asking for permission to do?

4. Who tells Natasha about her caller in the carriage?

5. Who does Irina think changes Andrei, a supposition that has upset her greatly?

(see the answer keys)

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