The Threepenny Opera Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Threepenny Opera Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Polly to send Macheath's money?
(a) Manchester.
(b) To Tiger Brown.
(c) Highland.
(d) Winchester.

2. What does Peachum tell his daughter to do in Act One Scene Three?
(a) Make dinner.
(b) Go back to Macheath.
(c) Get divorced.
(d) Change clothes.

3. When does Mrs. Peachum tell Mr. Peachum Polly gets married?
(a) Yesterday at five-o-clock.
(b) This morning.
(c) Yesterday at noon.
(d) Yesterday morning.

4. Which character says, "What do you mean, pretty? It's not pretty, you idiot! It's art, it's not pretty."
(a) Macheath.
(b) Polly.
(c) Ned.
(d) Mr. Peachum.

5. What is Mr. Peachum's fee for services?
(a) 30 percent.
(b) 10 percent.
(c) 50 percent.
(d) 90 percent.

6. What do the Gang change into in Act One Scene Two?
(a) Servants' uniforms.
(b) Beggars' outfits.
(c) Police uniforms.
(d) Fancy evening apparel.

7. Which character sings a morning hymn in Act One Scene One?
(a) Mrs. Peachum.
(b) Macheath.
(c) Polly Peachum.
(d) Jonathan Peachum.

8. Where is the carpet from at Macheath and Polly's feast?
(a) The royal palace.
(b) India Trading Post.
(c) Oriental Rugs, Ltd.
(d) Oriental Carpet Company.

9. Who do the thieves sing about in Act One Scene Two?
(a) Joseph and Mary.
(b) Lucy and William.
(c) Bill and Mary.
(d) Victoria and William.

10. What does Macheath say about Jimmy II?
(a) Impertinent bastard.
(b) Get rid of him.
(c) Unreliable.
(d) Clean work.

11. What is Tiger Brown's profession?
(a) Sheriff.
(b) Beggar.
(c) Thief.
(d) Constable.

12. Who threatens to "tan your behind" to Polly?
(a) Mr. Peachum.
(b) Mrs. Peachum.
(c) Macheath.
(d) Lucy.

13. Where are Macheath and Tiger soldiers together?
(a) Germany.
(b) India.
(c) Japan.
(d) Ireland.

14. Who is Matthew?
(a) A pimp.
(b) A prostitute.
(c) A thief.
(d) A beggar.

15. Who sings the prologue of The Threepenny Opera?
(a) Macheath.
(b) Polly.
(c) Jenny.
(d) The Ballad Singer.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of Jonathan Peachum's business?

2. What is the reward for turning in Macheath?

3. What does Polly request the thugs do while she sings in Act One?

4. Who does Mac knock to the ground in Act One Scene Two?

5. What is the Sheriff's name?

(see the answer keys)

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